David Carr, 1956-2015
David Carr, the New York Times media reporter and a friend, died Thursday night in the newsroom.
Here are some of our favorite pieces from his archive.
Beating Guns Into Hardware
“Journalists are the most craven recognition freaks on the planet. We make our mistakes in public because we want our innermost thoughts pasted on the refrigerator of American consciousness.”
David Carr Washington City Paper Apr 1999 10min
Goodbye to All That
“Even people who used to say horrible things about [Ruth] Shalit at anonymous remove loved seeing her at parties, a cerebral confection of a person — you never knew what might pop out of those oddly colored lips.”
David Carr Washington City Paper Apr 1999
Philip Roth's Newark
“What remains is still a neighborhood of people with hopes of mobility, but Chancellor Avenue, the heart of the Weequahic neighborhood, no longer has any commercial viability. Turn down the wrong block, some locals say, and commerce of another sort, furtive and transitory, is under way.”
David Carr New York Times Oct 2004
Me and My Girls
“I always thought that people who spent endless amounts of time drilling into their personal histories are fundamentally unhappy in their lives, and I’m not. I’m ecstatic in my own dark, morbid way and subscribe to a theory of the past that allows the future to unfold: We all did the best we could.”
David Carr New York Times Magazine Jul 2008 30min
At Flagging Tribune, Tales of a Bankrupt Culture
“Behind the collapse of the Tribune deal and the bankruptcy is a classic example of financial hubris. Mr. Zell, a hard-charging real estate mogul with virtually no experience in the newspaper business, decided that a deal financed with heavy borrowing and followed with aggressive cost-cutting could succeed where the longtime Tribune executives he derided as bureaucrats had failed.”
David Carr New York Times Oct 2010 15min
Interview: David Carr
“I mean, I live in New Jersey, which has a very good local paper called The Star-Ledger, but they’re about half as big as they used to be, and this place is a game-preserve of corruption—we needed three buses to haul away the mayors and various city council members the last time the FBI came in. I can’t help but think that the absence of high-level, sustained-accountability journalism had something to do with that.”
Aaron Sorkin Interview May 2011 10min
Apr 1999 – May 2011 Permalink