The Longform Guide: Lost at Sea
Perfect storms, drunken dares, and a man who sailed his house — a collection of our favorite articles about castaways.
The Man Who Sailed His House
Two days after the Japanese tsunami, after the waves had left their destruction, as rescue workers searched the ruins, news came of an almost surreal survival: Miles out at sea, a man was found, alone, riding on nothing but the roof of his house.
Here Be Monsters
Three teenage boys from a remote island decide to set sail after a night of drinking. They go missing for 51 days.
Michael Finkel GQ May 2011 35min
Adrift But Unbroken
During WWII, a bomber crashes into the Pacific and the crewmen begin an epic battle against dehydration, exposure, and endless attacks by sharks. Adapted from Laura Hillenbrand’s Unbroken.
Laura Hillenbrand Vanity Fair Dec 2010 35min
A Sea Story
The Estonia was carrying 989 people when it sank on its way across the Baltic in September 1994. Only 140 lived.
William Langewiesche The Atlantic May 2004 35min
Lost in the Waves
Swept out by a riptide, a father and his autistic son find themselves in open water after dark.
Justin Heckert Men's Journal Nov 2009 25min
The Storm
The first extended telling of the story that would eventually become The Perfect Storm.
Sebastian Junger Outside Oct 1994 20min
Moby-Duck: Or, the Synthetic Wilderness of Childhood
In 1992, a Chinese freighter tipped violently during a storm and dumped a load of plastic bath toys—7,200 red beavers, 7,200 green frogs, 7,200 blue turtles, and 7,200 yellow ducks—into the open sea.
Donovan Hahn Harper's Jan 2007 1h35min
Oct 1994 – May 2011 Permalink