The Longform Guide to Debt
A collection of picks about cities, nations, athletes, and writers going broke.
My Misspent Youth
Life and debt as a young writer in New York.
Megan Daum The New Yorker Oct 1999 25min
Crushing Debt Drove Me to Kosovo — And Then to Iraq
Ninety grand in debt and wanderlust can be a powerful combination.
Anonymous The Billfold Sep 2012 15min
Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds
A stop on the author’s world tour of economic collapse.
Michael Lewis Vanity Fair Oct 2012 45min
What It's Like to Fail
How a comedy writer making $300,000 a year ended up homeless.
David Raether Priceonomics Nov 2013 20min
How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke
They make millions per year but, more often than not, lose it in retirement–78% of former NFL players, 60 percent of former NBA players, and even those in the MLB.
Pablo S. Torre Sports Illustrated Mar 2009 25min
Why I’m Grateful I Got Sued by American Express and What You Can Learn From My Experience
A former head writer for AV Club digs himself deep into debt, then gets out.
Nathan Rabin Mental Illness Happy Hour Jan 2008 15min
How Detroit Went Broke
Auditing a bankrupt city.
Nathan Bomey and John Gallagher Detroit Free Press Sep 2013 25min
To Have Is to Owe
A history of debt, bartering and money.
David Graeber Triple Canopy Dec 2010
Oct 1999 – Nov 2013 Permalink