The Longform Guide to Early Computing
A game called Spacewar is developed by early computer engineers in their spare time, improved in university comp-sci labs, and ultimately made available in coffeeshops for 10 cents per game.
Stewart Brand Rolling Stone Dec 1972 35min
Living With a Computer
Advice from 1982 on how and why one should buy a personal computer.
James Fallows The Atlantic Jul 1982
The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce
The Silcon Valley origin story.
Playboy Interview: Steve Jobs
A conversation with a 29-year-old Jobs.
David Sheff Playboy Feb 1985 1h
Ted Nelson’s Xanadu project was supposed to be the universal, democratic hypertext library that would help human life evolve into an entirely new form. Didn’t turn out that way.
Mother Earth, Mother Board
A 42,000-word, three-continent spanning “hacker tourist” account of the laying of the (then) longest wire on earth, FLAG, fiber-optic link around the world.
Neal Stephenson Wired Dec 1996 2h45min
My First Flame
An early take on the dark side of cyberspace.
John Seabrook New Yorker Jun 1994 35min
Absolute Powerpoint
The definitive story of a ubiquitous software. PowerPoint’s origins, its evolution, and its mind-boggling impact on corporate culture.
Ian Parker New Yorker May 2001 20min
Dec 1972 – May 2001 Permalink