The Longform Guide to Gambling
A collection of picks about the best and worst bettors in the world.
The Gambler Who Blew $127 Million
In 2007, Harrah’s made 5.6 percent of its total Las Vegas revenue off a single person: Terrance Watanabe.
Alexandra Berzon Wall Street Journal Dec 2009 10min
The High is Always the Pain and the Pain is Always the High
A story of gambling addiction, in seven parts.
Jay Kang Morning News Oct 2010 20min
Portrait of the Consummate Con Man
“On a small scale, Titanic Thompson is an American legend. I say on a small scale, because an overpowering majority of the public has never heard of him. That is the way Titanic likes it. He is a professional gambler. He has sometimes been called the gambler’s gambler.”
John Lardner True Apr 1951 25min
A Thousand Pounds of Dynamite
In 1980, a bankrupt gambler came up with a plan to get his money back. He built an incredibly complex bomb, one that was impossible to defuse and that only he knew how to move, and snuck it into a Lake Tahoe casino with an extortion note demanding $3 million. Part of the plan worked. Part of it did not.
Adam Higginbotham The Atavist Magazine Jul 2014 1h25min
A Life on the Edge
How Billy Walters, the world’s most successful gambler, keeps winning.
Mike Fish ESPN the Magazine Feb 2015 10min
$5 Chess Game, Best-of-Three, Zuccotti Park
On playing chess and waiting to get arrested.
David Hill McSweeney's Nov 2011 10min
The Baleful Influence of Gambling
“Again I ask, Is this really the way the American people want it to be?”
Robert F. Kennedy The Atlantic Apr 1962 10min
The Death and Life of Atlantic City
The men who say they’ll try to save the once-bustling gambling resort town.
Nick Paumgarten New Yorker Aug 2015 40min
Apr 1951 – Aug 2015 Permalink