The Longform Guide to Imposters
The Chameleon
The Spanish police believed he was a missing American teen. So, seemingly, did the Texas family who had lost him three years prior. Who they had actually found was Frédéric Bourdin, was a 23-year-old Frenchman on the run.
David Grann New Yorker Aug 2008 45min
An IM Infatuation Turned to Romance. Then the Truth Came Out.
He was an 18-year-old Marine bound for Iraq. She was a high school senior in West Virginia. They grew intimate over IM. His dad started contacting her. No one was who they claimed to be.
Nadya Labi Wired Aug 2007 15min
The Lies of Laura Albert, a.k.a. JT LeRoy
For nearly a decade, Laura Albert lived a double life as troubled teen turned cult writer JT LeRoy, writing books, chatting constantly with celebrities, and convincing another woman to appear as JT LeRoy in public.
Nancy Rommelmann LA Weekly Feb 2008
Jerry Joseph showed up in a small Texas town seemingly out of nowhere, produced a birth certificate that said he was of age, and quickly became a star for the local high-school basketball team. It was a role he’d played before.
Michael J. Mooney GQ Jul 2011 25min
The Talented Mr. Young
The story of Alan Young, a career con whose go-to move was to pose as a member of the Temptations and smooth-talk his way into luxury hotel rooms and limo rides.
Kara Platoni East Bay Express Mar 2002 30min
The Man in the Rockefeller Suit
When a man named Clark Rockefeller snatched his daughter during a custody dispute, what the D.A. called “the longest con I’ve seen in my professional career” unraveled.
Mark Seal Vanity Fair Jan 2009 55min
Mar 2002 – Jul 2011 Permalink