The Longform Guide to Video Game Visionaries
A collection of articles about the creative geniuses behind the most important video games ever made, from Donkey Kong to Grand Theft Auto to Pong.
Master of Play
A profile of Shigeru Miyamoto, the man who invented Donkey Kong, Mario, and the Wii.
Nick Paumgarten New Yorker Dec 2010 35min
Forging the Oregon Trail
How a group of roommates in Minneapolis created the most enduring educational game ever.
Jessica Lussenhop City Pages Jan 2011 15min
Chronicling the viral spread of the early video game Spacewar through computer science departments around the country, with students hacking in their own variations on the game and passing it on, until it eventually arrived in coffee shops at 25 cents per play.
Stewart Brand Rolling Stone Dec 1972 35min
How Success Killed Duke Nukem
Duke Nukem 3D made its creators filthy rich. Trying to complete its sequel nearly destroyed them.
Clive Thompson Wired Dec 2009 20min
Creating His 'Living World in a Box'
A profile of Dave Jones, the designer of Lemmings and Grand Theft Auto.
David Kushner GamePro Jul 2010
Atari Teenage Riot
A “crude table-tennis arcade game” called Pong and the birth of the video game industry.
Chris Stokel-Walker Buzzfeed Nov 2012 20min
Dec 1972 – Nov 2012 Permalink