The Longform Guide to Wine
Red, white, expensive, cheap, fake, poisoned.
Can Wine Become an American Habit?
One man’s dream to turn America into a post-prohibition wine utopia.
Fortune Jan 1934 25min
The Assassin in the Vineyard
Who would poison the vines of the tiny, centuries-old vineyard that produces what most agree is Burgundy’s finest, rarest, and most expensive wine?
Maximilliam Potter Vanity Fair May 2011 25min
Drink Up
Fred Franzia makes a lot of money selling really cheap wine.
Dana Goodyear New Yorker May 2009 20min
Château Sucker
The rare-wine world gets conned.
Benjamin Wallace New York May 2012 20min
The Red and the White
Investigating whether or not anyone can really tell them apart.
Calvin Trillin New Yorker Aug 2002 15min
The Million-Dollar Nose
A profile of wine critic Robert Parker.
William Langewiesche Atlantic Dec 2000 1h10min
On wine’s sacred and profane history.
Ross Andersen Aeon May 2014 25min
Jan 1934 – May 2014 Permalink