Sponsor: Weirder Web

Our sponsor this week is Weirder Web, a blog dedicated to the underreported underbelly of the internet. Weirder Web publishes new, in-depth articles throughout the week on the strange and fascinating citizens of cyberspace: drug dealers, kid hackers, child pornographers, amibitious money launderers, blogging serial killers and everyday people.

To get started with Weirder Web, check out a collection of their best longform articles. Or just dive into one of our favorites, a history of the internet's largest hidden service and drug marketplace.

July and August sponsorships are now available. Email sponsor@longform.org for details.

The Prism

“As a matter of historical analysis, the relationship between secrecy and privacy can be stated in an axiom: the defense of privacy follows, and never precedes, the emergence of new technologies for the exposure of secrets. In other words, the case for privacy always comes too late.”

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Chris Heath, winner of the 2013 National Magazine Award for Reporting, is a staff writer at GQ.

"I present myself as someone who is going to be rigorous and honest. And if you can engage in the way I'm asking you to engage, then I hope that you will recognize yourself in a more truthful way in this story than you usually do. And maybe even, with a bit of luck, more than you ever have before. That's what I bring. That's my offer."

Thanks to TinyLetter and the The Literary Reportage concentration at NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute for sponsoring this week's episode.
