The Second Term
On the complex nature of a presidential second term and what Obama would do if he wins one.
On the complex nature of a presidential second term and what Obama would do if he wins one.
Ryan Lizza New Yorker Jun 2012 40min Permalink
I am gay. I am Mormon. I am married to a woman. I am happy every single day. My life is filled with joy. I have a wonderful sex life. And I’ve been married for ten years, and plan to be married for decades more to come to the woman of my dreams.
Shiva Ayyadurai told the world he invented email. Not everyone agreed.
Janelle Nanos Boston Magazine Jun 2012 15min Permalink
A former sex worker interviews a longtime John on how it feels to pay for it.
Antonia Crane The Rumpus Jun 2012 20min Permalink
The Watergate reporters look back.
In the course of his five-and-a-half-year presidency, beginning in 1969, Nixon launched and managed five successive and overlapping wars — against the anti-Vietnam War movement, the news media, the Democrats, the justice system and, finally, against history itself. All reflected a mind-set and a pattern of behavior that were uniquely and pervasively Nixon’s: a willingness to disregard the law for political advantage, and a quest for dirt and secrets about his opponents as an organizing principle of his presidency.
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein Washington Post Jun 2012 15min Permalink
A profile of the Hollywood star-maker behind Vanna White, Pamela Anderson and Jenny McCarthy.
John H. Richardson Esquire Aug 1999 30min Permalink
An interview with John Waters.
Real life is seeing and art is looking. If you’re successful, it’s a magic trick: you take one thing, and you put it in here, and it changes in one second, and then you can never look at that thing again the same way. That is what art is to me.
Drew Daniel, John Waters Frieze Magazine Jun 2012 15min Permalink
The anatomy of a wrongful conviction in Texas.
Andrew McLemore The Williamson County Sun Oct 2011 1h10min Permalink
On the mid-sixties birth of America’s underground newspaper movement and the rise of The Realist, East Village Other, Berkeley Barb, and more.
Jacob Brackman Playboy Aug 1967 30min Permalink
The international battle over 17 tons of coins discovered by an American deep-sea treasure hunting company.
Susan Berfield Businessweek Jun 2012 15min Permalink
The story of Bowe Bergdahl, a soldier who walked off his base in Afghanistan only to be captured by the Taliban.
Michael Hastings Rolling Stone Jun 2012 35min Permalink
On the shifting nature of time.
Meet Faygele ben Miriam, the radical activist “beyond the leading edge” of the same-sex marriage fight.
Eli Sanders Tablet Jun 2012 Permalink
The story of Christopher and Jeffrey George, the twin proprietors of a pain clinic empire.
Felix Gillette Businessweek Jun 2012 15min Permalink
John Dirr’s son Eli didn’t really have cancer. In fact, neither Eli nor John Dirr ever existed.
A decade-long Internet hoax unravels.
Adrian Chen Gawker Jun 2012 Permalink
A trip to Disneyland in the mid-1960s.
Previously posted on on January 25th, 2012.
Ray Bradbury Holiday Oct 1965 10min Permalink
How Google’s utopian/dystopian plan to scan the world’s books failed and the Harvard-led team that’s picking up the pieces.
Nicholas Carr Technology Review Jun 2012 15min Permalink
The Horace Mann School’s secret history of sexual abuse.
Amos Kamil New York Times Magazine Jun 2012 20min Permalink
An ode to professional basketball players and why pro ball is the best ball of all.
Pasha Malla The Morning News Jun 2008 15min Permalink
“Strong-arm methods, including murder, are common in the illicit narcotics traffic. After a major international narcotics ring was broken up last year, two of the- twenty-four defendants were murdered before completion of the trial. One was shot down in the Bronx; the burned body of the other was found near Rochester, New York. The business executive, factory worker, and housewife never encounter the seamy side, but this is what their bets are financing. Again I ask, Is this really the way the American people want it to be?”
Robert F. Kennedy The Atlantic Apr 1962 10min Permalink
What happens when you combine golf, solitaire and a Caddyshack-esque gopher?
From USA Today: “Every once in a while a game comes along that’s so engrossing you can’t simply put it down… add Fairway Solitaire to that coveted list…Even if you’re not a fan of golf…Good luck with getting anything done in the coming months.”
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Teaching Ted Kaczynski’s anti-technology ideas.
Jeffrey R. Young The Chronicle of Higher Education May 2012 25min Permalink
The Penn State sex abuse scandal as told through a father, a son and “Victim 1.”
Luke Dittrich Esquire Jun 2012 30min Permalink
“Jon Corzine had never had anything to do with the futures business, had never run a public company, and hadn’t worked on Wall Street for a decade. His time there had ended badly. But by any reasonable standard, the former Goldman chief seemed almost embarrassingly overqualified. Says Flowers: ‘It seemed like we had more CEO than company.’”
Doris Burke, Peter Elkind Fortune Jun 2012 50min Permalink
The history of American whaling.
Caleb Crain New Yorker Jul 2007 15min Permalink