Who Funds the Future?
Inside the mind of Marc Andreessen.
Inside the mind of Marc Andreessen.
Tad Friend New Yorker May 2015 55min Permalink
The humanitarian crisis the rest of the world has already forgotten about.
Carole Cadwalladr The Guardian May 2015 20min Permalink
On mayonnaise.
Ottessa Moshfegh Lucky Peach May 2015 10min Permalink
“The White House still maintains that the mission was an all-American affair, and that the senior generals of Pakistan’s army and Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) were not told of the raid in advance. This is false, as are many other elements of the Obama administration’s account.”
Seymour M. Hersh London Review of Books May 2015 40min Permalink
Football-related brain damage made Rickie Harris fall from the heights of the NFL to serving a DUI sentence in his ex-wife’s basement.
Dave McKenna Deadspin May 2015 20min Permalink
On keeping the place where ethically raised animals are killed open.
Heather Smith Grist Apr 2015 15min Permalink
A conversation with Douglas Rushkoff, whose goal is to foster a deeper awareness among consumers of digital media.
“The whole reason to have a media-literate population is so that people can tell the difference between genuine connectivity and mediated or manufactured connectivity. Most people can’t.”
Ben Cosgrove HP Matter Apr 2015 Permalink
On the Aran islands of Ireland.
Anne Enright The Guardian May 2015 15min Permalink
On our relationship with wild horses.
Nell Boeschenstein Dec 1969 25min Permalink
The death of one Nevada man in a chaotic, unregulated, and expensive industry.
John Hill Mother Jones May 2015 15min Permalink
How nail salon owners exploit their employees.
The medical risks of working all day among the chemicals of a nail salon.
Sarah Maslin Nir New York Times May 2015 15min Permalink
A CD plant employee ushered in the modern era of music piracy by teaming up with a shadowy “Scene” crew on IRC chat.
Stephen Witt New Yorker Apr 2015 35min Permalink
Uber says its drivers can earn as much as $90,000. The author decided to fact-check that number the only way she could: by becoming a driver herself.
Emily Guendelsberger Philadelphia City Paper May 2015 25min Permalink
The technology that will change the way we communicate over the next five years.
Christopher Surdak HP Matter Apr 2015 15min Permalink
One woman’s 407 mile journey to have an abortion.
Monica Hesse Washington Post May 2015 Permalink
A Taliban intelligence chief’s death and resurrection.
Mujib Mashal Harper's Jan 2014 25min Permalink
On Amaris Tyynismaa, the 14-year-old star runner who has Tourette’s.
Duncan Murrell Huffington Post Highline May 2015 20min Permalink
The sheriff of Putnam County, Georgia, finally meets a case he can’t solve.
Joe Kovac Jr. Atlanta Magazine May 2015 20min Permalink
An interview with Jane Schachtel, Facebook’s head of technology, on the company’s future in your pocket.
Ben Cosgrove HP Matter Mar 2015 Permalink
Southern generational and gender divides.
"I got the word. When I saw her turning up the earth for peonies, it was like those clumps of hard red clay were speaking to me. Those spindly arms of hers with tattoos down to her elbows begged for someone with a hearty dose of Luke, Matthew, and Paul."
Beth Gilstrap Little Fiction May 2015 20min Permalink
The holdings of the Seattle Art Museum are historically male-dominated. When Matthew Offenbacher won a prize for his own art, he decided to use it to beef up their queer and female holdings.
Jen Graves The Stranger May 2015 15min Permalink
George Quraishi is the co-founder and editor of Howler.
“We raised $69,001. And that paid for the first issue. I call it subsistence magazine making, because every issue pays for the next one.”
Thanks to this week's sponsors: TinyLetter, Squarespace, The Great Courses, and Aspiration.
May 2015 Permalink
How an eccentric industrialist bought Atlantic City’s shuttered Revel casino at a firesale price with a goal to turn it into a “life-extension facility.”
Robert Kolker Bloomberg Business May 2015 15min Permalink
An inside look at how an ad agency sells a car in 2015.
Jessica Pressler New York May 2015 20min Permalink
On equating beauty with self-worth.
Lucy Grealy Nerve Oct 1997 10min Permalink