The Girl Who Turned to Bone

“Jeannie Peeper’s diagnosis meant that, over her lifetime, she would essentially develop a second skeleton. Within a few years, she would begin to grow new bones that would stretch across her body, some fusing to her original skeleton. Bone by bone, the disease would lock her into stillness. The Mayo doctors didn’t tell Peeper’s parents that. All they did say was that Peeper would not live long.”

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A con man ruining lives from behind bars. A woman who took on her health insurance company and won huge. A producer who lost everything on an epic coke binge. Those stories and more are included in Best Alternative Longform Journalism, a new anthology of great writing from alt-weeklies, which is available free and only through Longform.

Featuring: Gus Garcia-Roberts (Miami New Times), Sharyn Jackson (Santa Fe Reporter), Caleb Hannan (Seattle Weekly), Alan Prendergast (Westword) and many more.

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Mat Honan is a senior writer at Wired.

"[The tech] industry—especially as it relates to a lot the silly apps and the silly websites and the silly shit that we put up with—is ridiculous. It's just such a hype fest, people living off of jargon and nonsense. There are entire conferences devoted to nonsense! ... I like to skewer that stuff, because I don't want to feel responsible for it. I don't want to feel like I'm making someone go out and buy some piece of shit they don't need."

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