The Battle for the Soul of Occupy Wall Street
On a movement divided.
On a movement divided.
Mark Binelli Rolling Stone Jun 2012 25min Permalink
The story of an opportunity missed.
Cyrus Farivar Ars Technica Jun 2012 20min Permalink
Crime, drugs, and politics in Guadalajara.
William Finnegan New Yorker Jun 2012 40min Permalink
A look at Apple stores, where jobs are high stress, with low pay and little opportunity for advancement.
David Segal New York Times Jun 2012 15min Permalink
A self-conscious celebrity profile.
Bill Zehme Esquire Apr 2000 Permalink
Remembering George Plimpton’s old-fashioned style.
Above all, he was a gentleman, one of the last—a figure so archaic, it could be easily mistaken for something else. No, my father’s voice was not an act, something chosen or practiced in front of mirrors: he came from a different world, where people talked differently, and about different things; where certain things were discussed, and certain things were not—and his voice simply reflected this.
Taylor Plimpton New Yorker Jun 2012 10min Permalink
A profile of Doc Johnson, “the Procter & Gamble of sex toys.”
Dave Gardetta Los Angeles Jul 2012 25min Permalink
An early investigation into Jim Jones’ cult.
Marshall Kilduff, Phil Tracy New West Aug 1977 15min Permalink
On caring for a bipolar parent amidst a broken mental health care system.
Jeneen Interlandi New York Times Magazine Jun 2012 20min Permalink
Inside the increasingly hostile global warming debate.
Tom Clynes Popular Science Jun 2012 20min Permalink
The case against Richard Florida.
Frank Bures Thirty Two Jun 2012 15min Permalink
Best Article Arts Politics Music
One night in Newark with Chris Christie and Bruce Springsteen.
“No one is beyond the reach of Bruce!” he screams over the noise of the crowd, and then screams it again, to make sure I understand: “No one is beyond the reach of Bruce!”
Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic Jul 2012 Permalink
Meet Dr. Schnoz, the nose-sculpting YouTube king of Miami.
Michael E. Miller The Miami New Times Jun 2012 20min Permalink
A profile of Ann Coulter, “the glowing scimitar of the American right.”
George Gurley The New York Observer Aug 2002 15min Permalink
How a Harvard-educated neurologist, a courtly southern gentlemen, and a Hollywood rent boy ended up at the center of an international manhunt that spread from the staid business community of Columbus, Ohio to the coffee shops of Amsterdam.
Ann Louise Bardach Vanity Fair Oct 1989 2h15min Permalink
The bizarre story of the disappearance of “downtown legend” John Lurie after a former friend resolved to take his life.
Tad Friend New Yorker Aug 2010 35min Permalink
“My mother became my daughter when I was nine years old.”
Samantha Irby The Rumpus Jun 2012 15min Permalink
Americans learn to love themselves.
A three-part investigation into New Jersey’s halfway house system.
Sam Dolnick New York Times Jun 2012 55min Permalink
The fifty-year battle over where we store our nuclear remains.
Matt Stroud The Verge Jun 2012 40min Permalink
Vindication for an awkward art.
Ben McGrath New Yorker May 2004 20min Permalink
How technological progress slowed from its 20th-century peak, why we’ve shifted from changing reality to simply simulating reality, and whether capitalism is the true culprit.
David Graeber The Baffler Jun 2012 Permalink
A profile of Fiona Apple.
Dan P. Lee New York Jun 2012 30min Permalink
On a child born during the L.A. riots, and South Central a decade later.
Daniel Voll Esquire May 2002 40min Permalink
On Jack Idema, a con-man who once ran a pet hotel before reinventing himself as a black-ops secret agent in Afghanistan, and the history of counterinsurgency theory.
Adam Curtis BBC Jun 2012 25min Permalink