2011 National Magazine Awards Finalists: Feature Writing

As announced today.

  1. The Wrong Man (David Freed, The Atlantic)On the man wrongfully accused of the 2001 anthrax attacks.

  2. The Suicide Catcher (Michael Paterniti, GQ)On the angel who saves jumpers on an infamous bridge in China.

  3. The End (Ben Ehrenreich, Los Angeles)Death in L.A. can be an odd undertaking.

  4. The Mark of a Masterpiece (David Grann, New Yorker)The man who keeps finding famous fingerprints on uncelebrated works of art.

  5. For Us Surrender Is Out of the Question(Mac McClelland, Mother Jones)The young men who risk life and limb to document Burma’s genocide.

2011 National Magazine Awards Finalists: Reporting

As announced today.

  1. The Guantánamo “Suicides” (Scott Horton, Harper’s)A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle.

  2. Is Yemen the Next Afghanistan?(Robert F. Worth, NYT Magazine)

  3. Covert Operations (Jane Mayer, New Yorker)The billionaire Koch brothers’ war against Obama

  4. The Runaway General (Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone)The profile that got Stanley McChrystal fired

  5. Digging Out (Elliot D. Woods, VQR)Afghans’ best hope for their future might be right under their feet.

2011 National Magazine Awards Finalists: Public Interest

As announced today.

  1. “God Help You, You’re on Dialysis”(Robin Fields, ProPublica)Why do one in four people on dialysis die?

  2. Letting Go (Atul Gawande, New Yorker)What should medicine do when it can’t save your life?

  3. What’s the Catch? (Bruce Barcott, On Earth)Sustainable fishing in the Bering Sea.

  4. Innocence Lost (Pamela Colloff, Texas Monthly)The story of Anthony Graves, an innocent man behind bars for nearly 20 years.

  5. Innocence Found (Pamela Colloff, Texas Monthly)How Anthony Graves found freedom.

Army of Altruists

This is the piece of writing that inspired me to make the turn from fiction and corporate research into journalism. It’s the best reframing of American society that I’ve ever read. And kudos to Harper’s for running it. It’s not often you see anarchist anthropologists making highly visible contributions to public discourse.

-A. Madrigal

Computers Aren’t So Smart, After All

I love combing through The Atlantic’s archives. There’s almost no better way of grasping the strangeness of the past than to flip through a general interest magazine from 1960. Here, we find Fred Hapgood grappling with what human intelligence meant in the light of new machines that could do something like thinking. Intelligence was being explored in a new way: by finding out what was duplicable about how our minds work. Hapgood's conclusion was that if you could automate a task, it would lose value to humans. What tremendous luck! Humans value that which only humans can do, he argued, regardless of the difficulty of the task. And that because computers were so good at sequential logic problems, we'd eventually end up only respecting emotional understanding, which remained (and remains) beyond the reach of AI.

-A. Madrigal

Crypto Rebels

Steven Levy’s piece on cypherpunks and Internet libertarians could not feel more relevant in the wake of WikiLeaks’ rise and the heavily scrutinized role of online organizing in recent revolutions. During Wired’s first year, I’d just gotten an Internet account and had somehow stumbled on the magazine. It became my guide to this hybrid life that we all live now, half-online, half-offline.

-A. Madrigal

Prodigal Sun

Energy problems are long problems that often receive short solutions. In 2000, when Mother Jones ran this history about what happened to the energy research boom of the late 70s and early 80s, I was buying $0.99 a gallon gas for my Escort. I chose this story because I think longform journalism can keep people interested in these issues that require decadal attention but are subject to year-to-year fluctuations in public interest. And it’s a great story.

-A. Madrigal