Life's Swell
On surfer girls in Maui; the story that led to the film Blue Crush.
On surfer girls in Maui; the story that led to the film Blue Crush.
Susan Orlean Outside Sep 1998 20min Permalink
They’ve built a hidden society in a state park. Among the haole squatters of Kalalau.
Brendan Borrell Hakai Magazine Feb 2018 Permalink
Two men. Five days. Five boroughs. Five 140.6-mile triathlons.
Bill Bradley Deadspin Jan 2018 15min Permalink
A profile of 24-year-old John John Florence.
Zach Baron GQ May 2017 15min Permalink
Astronomy, history, and spirituality collide at the summit of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea.
Trevor Quirk Virginia Quarterly Review Jan 2017 30min Permalink
Scenes from a class conflict playing out between millionaires and billionaires on Hawaii’s Big Island.
Robert Kolker Bloomberg Businessweek May 2016 15min Permalink
Training for a Mars mission on a Hawaiian volcano
Tom Kizzia New Yorker Apr 2015 25min Permalink
Growing up among the tall waves and schoolyard bullies of Hawaii.
William Finnegan New Yorker May 2015 35min Permalink
How the tech billionaire came to own 87,000 acres, three hotels, a wastewater treatment plant, a cemetery and 380 cats.
Jon Mooallem New York Times Magazine Sep 2014 30min Permalink
An endangered-species murder mystery in Hawaii.
Jon Mooallem New York Times Magazine May 2013 20min Permalink
On surf legend Eddie Aikau and the complicated history of Hawaii.
Nicole Pasulka The Believer Sep 2012 15min Permalink
A trip to Hawaii to cover a marathon.
Hunter S. Thompson Playboy Dec 1983 Permalink
In 1998, at age 45, Ken Bradshaw surfed the tallest wave in recorded history.
William Langewiesche Vanity Fair Feb 2011 35min Permalink