Best Article Politics Science Religion
Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, Wives
Inside the political battle over reproductive rights in Texas a decade ago.
Best Article Politics Science Religion
Inside the political battle over reproductive rights in Texas a decade ago.
Mimi Swartz Texas Monthly Aug 2012 35min Permalink
A discussion of the “limited but important” power of Occupy Wall Street’s open blog, “We Are the 99%.”
Marco Roth n+1 Oct 2011 Permalink
On JFK and the 1960 Democratic National Convention.
Norman Mailer Esquire Nov 1960 55min Permalink
A profile of John McCain during the 2000 presidential race.
David Foster Wallace Rolling Stone Apr 2000 1h30min Permalink
Deep Throat, unmasked.
John D. O'Connor Vanity Fair Jul 2005 30min Permalink
On the insanity of America’s gun laws.
Jill Lepore New Yorker Apr 2012 30min Permalink
In Colorado and beyond, a negotiated surrender in the war on drugs.
Benjamin Wallace-Wells New York Nov 2012 30min Permalink
How America used to vote.
Jill Lepore New Yorker Oct 2008 15min Permalink
On Politico’s brand of insider journalism.
Alex Pareene The Baffler Nov 2012 25min Permalink
“His seeming ease belies the anxiety and emotion that advisers say he brings to his historic position: pride in what he has accomplished, determination to acquit himself well and intense frustration.”
Jodi Kantor New York Times Oct 2012 10min Permalink
On the Clintons’ political future.
John Heilmann New York Oct 2012 25min Permalink
Why the flood of money in this election is just the beginning.
James Bennet The Atlantic Oct 2012 35min Permalink
A tale-of-the-tape breakdown of the 2012 presidential debates.
James Fallows The Atlantic Oct 2012 35min Permalink
“Redistricting today has become the most insidious practice in American politics—a way, as the opportunistic machinations following the 2010 census make evident, for our elected leaders to entrench themselves in 435 impregnable garrisons from which they can maintain political power while avoiding demographic realities.”
Robert Draper The Atlantic Sep 2012 20min Permalink
On a week spent immersed in right wing media.
Frank Rich New York Sep 2012 15min Permalink
Scott Raab’s ongoing reports on the reconstruction at the World Trade Center site.
Scott Raab Esquire 3h50min Permalink
How “grand metaphors” drive politics.
Matt Bai New York Times Magazine Jul 2005 Permalink
As a young community organizer in Chicago, Barack Obama concluded that to make a real difference, he needed to gain power. A look at how that plan has worked thus far.
Paul Tough New York Times Magazine Aug 2012 Permalink
The story of Donald Smaltz, an independent prosecutor run amok.
David Grann The New Republic Feb 1998 20min Permalink
On Mitt Romney’s top strategist—a steroid-dabbling, screenwriting bon vivant.
Noam Scheiber The New Republic Aug 2012 20min Permalink
How the former Bush advisor is “reengineering the practice of partisan money management in hopes of drumming Barack Obama out of the White House.”
Paul M. Barrett Businessweek Jul 2012 15min Permalink
What became of Annie Moore, the first person to arrive on Ellis Island?
Jesse Green New York May 2010 15min Permalink
A 7,000-word anatomy of the chaotic 9 minutes after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its health care ruling.
Tom Goldstein SCOTUSblog Jul 2012 30min Permalink
The Constitution and its worshippers.
Jill Lepore New Yorker Jan 2011 25min Permalink
The taming of the political reporter.
Alessandra Stanley, Maureen Dowd GQ Sep 1988 25min Permalink