Breakdown Palace
In late 1960s London, famed psychoanalyst R.D. Laing created a radical asylum—one with no doctors, no locks, and no limits.
In late 1960s London, famed psychoanalyst R.D. Laing created a radical asylum—one with no doctors, no locks, and no limits.
What happens when robots act just like humans?
“The main characteristic of Diane was courage.”
Barbara Williamson co-founded Sandstone, one of the most famous radical experiments in group sex and communal living of the 1970s. Then she got wild.
Alex Mar Atlas Obscura Jun 2016 25min Permalink
On claiming the conquistador Juan Ponce de León as an ancestor and the fictions we tell ourselves.
Alex Mar Oxford American Mar 2016 30min Permalink
In 1966, Anton LaVey introduced the world to the Church of Satan. The 1980s saw a “Satanic Panic” in the form of abuse charges brought against child-care workers and suburban parents. Today, the author joins a group of Satanists for afternoon tea at the church’s global headquarters in a “bland New York college town.”
Alex Mar The Believer Nov 2015 30min Permalink
Meet the people decomposing on a body farm.
Alex Mar Oxford American Sep 2014 45min Permalink
What prompts a woman to exit society and marry God? Inside a modern convent in Texas.
Alex Mar Oxford American Aug 2013 45min Permalink