Roger Ebert: The Essential Man
A profile of the film critic.
A profile of the film critic.
Chris Jones Esquire Mar 2010 30min Permalink
Following fallen soldier Joe Montgomery from field to grave.
Chris Jones Esquire Mar 2008 1h5min Permalink
After the explosion of the Columbia shuttle in 2003, two American astronauts aboard the International Space Station suddenly found themselves with no ride home.
Chris Jones Esquire Jul 2004 Permalink
Growing old at the Playboy Mansion.
Chris Jones Esquire Apr 2013 40min Permalink
How a card-counting former meteorologist from Las Vegas made the first perfect Showcase bid in the 38-year history of The Price Is Right.
Chris Jones Esquire Jul 2010 20min Permalink
On astrophysicist Sara Seager and her obsession with discovering distant worlds.
Chris Jones New York Times Magazine Dec 2016 20min Permalink
A trip to Antarctica.
Chris Jones Afar Jun 2014 Permalink
The fate of a star 16-year-old pitcher in Japan.
Chris Jones ESPN the Magazine Jul 2013 25min Permalink
Barry Zito, profiled.
Chris Jones Esquire Jun 2002 10min Permalink
A profile of Montana Senator Jon Tester.
Chris Jones Esquire Oct 2012 20min Permalink
On Teller, his magic, and his response to a stolen trick.
Chris Jones Esquire Sep 2012 Permalink
A profile of Robert Caro, who’s been working on a biography on Lyndon Johnson for nearly 40 years.
Chris Jones Esquire Apr 2012 30min Permalink
The night when Terry Thompson let his zoo-worthy collection of big animals, including lions and a bear, into the wilds of Zanesville, Ohio before shooting himself in the head.
Chris Jones Esquire Mar 2012 40min Permalink
A profile of GOP hopeful Jon Huntsman.
Chris Jones Esquire Aug 2011 25min Permalink
On what you do when you can do whatever what you want.
Chris Jones Esquire May 2011 10min Permalink
On what you come to appreciate after a short apprenticeship with paramedics.
Chris Jones Esquire Jul 2009 Permalink