James Is a Girl
The strange life of a 16-year-old model.
The strange life of a 16-year-old model.
Jennifer Egan New York Times Magazine Feb 1996 35min Permalink
In the midst of a national crisis, mothers addicted to drugs struggle to get off them — for their babies’ sake, and their own.
Jennifer Egan New York Times Magazine May 2018 25min Permalink
On the family origins of an eating disorder.
Jennifer Egan Salon Jul 1997 10min Permalink
A meeting at a castle is mixed with painful adolescent memories.
"It was one of those views that make you feel like God for a second. The castle walls looked silver under the moon, stretched out over the hill in a wobbly oval the size of a football field. There were round towers every fifty yards or so. Below Danny, inside the walls, it was black-pure, like a lake or outer space. He felt the curve of big sky over his head, full of purplish torn-up clouds. The castle itself was back where Danny had started out: a clump of buildings and towers jumbled together. But the tallest tower stood off on its own, narrow and square with a red light shining in a window near the top."
Jennifer Egan Jan 2006 25min Permalink
After nearly 15 years in a Peruvian prison, an American woman convicted of aiding a Marxist terrorist group finds parole in Lima full of contradictions.