Fly Trans-Love Airways
Rebellious teens on the Sunset Strip.
Reprinted by Longform and available online in full for the first time, this article also appears in Adler's new collection, After the Tall Timber.
Rebellious teens on the Sunset Strip.
Reprinted by Longform and available online in full for the first time, this article also appears in Adler's new collection, After the Tall Timber.
Renata Adler New Yorker Feb 1967 30min Permalink
One famous critic (Adler) takes another (Pauline Kael) to task for a collection of reviews that is “without Kael- or Simon-like exaggeration, not simply, jarringly, piece by piece, line by line, and without interruption, worthless.”
Renata Adler New York Review of Books Aug 1980 30min Permalink
Ripping out the guts of an “utterly preposterous document”: the Starr Report on the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Renata Adler Vanity Fair Dec 1998 Permalink
A voting rights march, from Selma to the statehouse in Montgomery, Alabama.
Renata Adler New Yorker Apr 1965 40min Permalink
How one obscure sentence upset the New York Times.
Renata Adler Harper's Aug 2000 45min Permalink