Using So Little
On the importance of skateboarding.
On the importance of skateboarding.
Sean Wilsey London Review of Books Jun 2003 40min Permalink
“You are reading this because you have no idea what NASA is doing. And NASA, tongue-tied by jargon, can’t figure out how to tell you. But the agency is engaged in work that can be more enduring and far-reaching than anything else this country is paying for.”
Sean Wilsey GQ Jun 2009 40min Permalink
A history of a small Texas town deep in the Chihuahuan desert:
The isolation is such that if you laid out the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, and the deep ocean channels that separate them, on the road between Marfa and the East Texas of strip shopping and George Bush Jr., you’d still have 100 miles of blank highway stretching away in front of you.
Sean Wilsey McSweeney's Mar 1999 45min Permalink
On the restauranteur behind New York’s Gramercy Tavern and Shake Shack.
Sean Wilsey New York Times Magazine Aug 2011 25min Permalink