My Dad, the Pornographer
How the author’s father wrote over 400 pieces of “pirate porn, ghost porn, science-fiction porn, vampire porn, historical porn, time-travel porn, secret-agent porn, thriller porn, zombie porn and Atlantis porn.”
We recommended 1,453 articles this year, from 1,210 writers and 360 publications. They were read nearly 20 million times.
These were our favorites.
How the author’s father wrote over 400 pieces of “pirate porn, ghost porn, science-fiction porn, vampire porn, historical porn, time-travel porn, secret-agent porn, thriller porn, zombie porn and Atlantis porn.”
Who we think we are in 2015.
“What I had going for me was teen rage, contempt impervious to offers of compromise; the power of the mask capable of turning ice to marshmallow, and all the time in the world, all the ability to sustain it without surrendering.”
On the stupid things people say to the elderly.
Memories of Outkast and Grandmas and black Southern love.