The Early David Letterman 1967-1980

“Every Sunday at my house … we watched The Ed Sullivan Show…. Whether we enjoyed it or not. That was my first lesson in show business. I don’t think anybody in the house particularly enjoyed it. We just watched it. Maybe that’s the purpose of television. You just turn it on and watch it whether you want to or not.”

Mattathias Schwartz has written for The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine and Harper's.

"I figure it's like digging through a wall with a spoon: if you spend enough time at it eventually you get to the other side."

Thanks to TinyLetter and Audible for sponsoring this week's episode.

'Uncle Leland'

Leland Yee was a career San Francisco politician known for championing open government and gun control. For the last few years, he was also the main target of an elaborate undercover investigation, during which he traded political favors for cash, tried to sell $2 million worth of weapons to a medical marijuana kingpin and worked closely with well-known Chinatown gangster named Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow.

The Longform Guide to Karen Russell

A collection of our favorite writing by Karen Russell, including short stories and her lone foray into journalism, "The Blind Faith of the One-Eyed Matador," a Longform Best of 2012 pick.

Russelll's new novella, </em>Sleep Donation, is out now.

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