Cord Jefferson is the West Coast editor at Gawker.

"I consider myself to be a sincere human being. And I think that the way the internet carries itself, the way the internet has dialogues, is often insincere. That concerns me. I don't ever want to lose my sincerity. I don't ever want to lose my ability to feel emotional about things that I write about. I don't ever want to have a distance from everything that I write. I think that can be a danger of writing too much for the internet, that you develop this elitist distance from everything. That nothing really matters, you know?"

Thanks to TinyLetter and Hulu Plus for sponsoring this week's episode.

Sponsor: Pitt Writers

This week’s sponsor is Pitt Writers, the fantastic, digitally focused MFA program at the University of Pittsburgh. A longtime partner of ours, Pitt Writers is now accepting applications for 2014. Here’s what you’ll get during your three years:

• World-class instruction and individual attention from award-winning writers of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, including Jeanne Marie Laskas of GQ

• Opportunity to pitch book and story ideas to literary agents and editors in New York

• Classes in digital media

• A chance to intern with Longform

• Funding packages of up to $16,700 available

Get yourself in the mix: Apply by December 10th and follow Pitt Writers on Twitter and Facebook.

Hamilton Morris is the science editor for Vice and a contributor to Harper's.

"It's a shame that there isn't more of an interdisciplinary approach to a lot of scientific investigations, because often the result is that misinformation is produced. Again, there's misinformation in journalism and there's misinformation in science. And if you combine the best elements of both of those disciplines you can come a little bit closer to the truth. If you want to understand a drug phenomenon, you're going to need to look at it medically, chemically, anthropologically, you need to talk to people, you need to interview people, you need to look at the drug policy, the chemistry, the history—there's a lot of different factors that need to be examined in order to understand even the most simple, minute drug phenomenon. And if you're approaching something purely as a scientist, as an academic, there are huge limitations as to what you can do."

Thanks to TinyLetter and Hulu Plus for sponsoring this week's episode.