Rajat Gupta’s Lust for Zeros
How the former CEO of McKinsey, who was indicted in the largest insider trading case in United States history, got played.
How the former CEO of McKinsey, who was indicted in the largest insider trading case in United States history, got played.
Anita Raghavan New York Times Magazine May 2013 20min Permalink
An Aboriginal community’s attempt to maintain a 50,000-year-old way of life.
Michael Finkel National Geographic May 2013 20min Permalink
Wandering a Detroit reduced to “crackhouses and churches” with “outlaw biker Jesus” Pastor Steve.
Mark Binelli The Morning News May 2013 20min Permalink
The outing of a failed writer who spent years anonymously grinding axes on Wikipedia.
Andrew Leonard Salon May 2013 20min Permalink
The persistent, tragic behavior of professional athletes.
Thomas Lake Sports Illustrated May 2013 25min Permalink
On the media’s failure to cover climate change.
Wen Stephenson Boston Phoenix Nov 2012 50min Permalink
Caterpillar’s CEO made $22 million last year. Some of his employees are on food stamps.
Mina Kimes Businessweek May 2013 10min Permalink
How the case of a poisoned college student in China, cold for 18 years, has suddenly turned into “what may be the largest amateur online manhunt in history.”
Kevin Morris The Daily Dot May 2013 15min Permalink
A profile of Costa Rica’s most famous bull, who is responsible for two riders’ deaths and a brand of craft beer.
Ashley Harrell, Lindsay Fendt SB Nation May 2013 20min Permalink
Inside New England’s thriving arms industry.
Neil Swidey The Boston Globe Apr 2013 20min Permalink
An investigation into widespread criminal fraud at a generic drug company.
Katherine Eban Fortune May 2013 40min Permalink
On the biology of animal emotion.
Eric Sorensen Washington State Magazine Jun 2013 15min Permalink
The con man who cost Google $500 million.
Jake Pearson Wired May 2013 20min Permalink
Jonathan Shainin is senior editor at The Caravan in Delhi.
"Working in an environment that's foreign, where you have to kind of think through a lot of things from the ground up ... I find it to be really stimulating to have to interrogate the assumptions that you have as an editor about what's interesting and what's not interesting, what's a good story and what's a bad story, what's the story that's been done a million times already. When you get out of a place that is your place, you have to kind of think through some things in a fresh way. And that can be really productive."
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May 2013 Permalink
Medicine used to be obsessed with eradicating the tiny bugs that live within us. Now we’re beginning to understand all the ways they keep us healthy.
Michael Pollan New York Times Magazine May 2013 20min Permalink
The meaning of the Eurovision Song Contest.
Anthony Lane New Yorker Jun 2010 30min Permalink
In the not-so-distant future, all of our objects will talk to each other. They’ll make our coffee, find our keys, save our lives. The roadmap to a fully networked existence.
Bill Wasik Wired May 2013 Permalink
Inside the Oscar Pistorius murder case.
Mark Seal Vanity Fair May 2013 30min Permalink
Rethinking mobile homes as senior housing.
Lisa Margonelli Pacific Standard Apr 2013 20min Permalink
The story of Kokie’s, and its gentrifying Williamsburg neighborhood.
Vice Staff Vice May 2008 15min Permalink
Experimental neuroscience, conjoined minds, and everlasting consciousness — a collection of picks on the human brain.
“The mythical image of Malick that has been built up over the last 30-odd years is, in essence, a creation of the same media corps with whom the filmmaker himself has continually chosen not to engage.”
The possibilities and pitfalls of massive open online courses (MOOCs).
Nathan Heller New Yorker May 2013 35min Permalink
A daughter’s attempt to solve the riddle of her mom.
Marjorie Williams Washington Post Nov 2005 20min Permalink
During New York’s ’80s and ’90s crack epedemic, a flashy detective who “imagined himself a crusader who created his own rules” and his star witness, a crack addicted prostitute who seemed to constantly be at the scene of homicides, sent dozens of men to prison for life. Now, they are under investigation.
Frances Robles, N.R. Kleinfield New York Times May 2013 10min Permalink