The Last Days of MF Global

“Jon Corzine had never had anything to do with the futures business, had never run a public company, and hadn’t worked on Wall Street for a decade. His time there had ended badly. But by any reasonable standard, the former Goldman chief seemed almost embarrassingly overqualified. Says Flowers: ‘It seemed like we had more CEO than company.’”

Louisiana Incarcerated

A multi-part series exploring Louisiana’s role as “the world’s prison capital.”

  1. Arresting Development: How Texas was able to close a prison.

  2. Behind Bars: How Louisiana’s incarceration rate became the highest in the world.

  3. A Trade in Prisoners: The link between rural economies and the prison system.

  4. An Economic Machine: How private business benefits from prisons.

  5. Throwing Away the Key: Who gets rehabilitated?

  6. Locked In: Why prison reform is so difficult.

  7. Unusual Punishment: How mandatory sentencing laws keep prisons full.

  8. No Way Out: Hundreds wait as pardons pile up on the Governor's desk.

  9. Hitting Home: The disproportionate impact of the prison system on certain neighborhoods.

  10. Rough Re-Entry: The difficult life back on the outside.

How Top Executives Live

“Adaptation is one explanation of how a lot of executives stay alive. As the fish in the Silurian rivers began to develop swim bladders in order to live in shoal waters, so American executives have developed certain compensating features. The process can be observed particularly in the big cities where conditions are the most trying. Executives have developed an insensitivity to noise, an uncanny time sense (needed in commuting), and an attunement to the city’s terrifying rhythms. Instead of trying to escape the phenomenon of modern life they fling themselves at it.”

Tourist Snapshots

“I turned to see Eva padding around the room, naked, dipping a small plastic wand into the bottle of bubble soap she’d bought at the market… Sometime in the far future, when I was lying on my deathbed, I said, this was the moment I wanted to remember.”

On the relationship between travel and photography.

Sponsor: Tablet Magazine

Is the century-old Jewish-Leftist alliance ending?

For much of the 20th century, the radical and revolutionary left played a huge role in defining how the rest of America saw Jews and how Jews saw themselves. In an essay for Tablet Magazine, literary critic Adam Kirsch considers whether that linkage is over.

Read it at

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