The Chickens and the Bulls
The rise and fall of the “most far-flung, most organized, and most brazen example of homosexual extortion in the nation’s history.”
The rise and fall of the “most far-flung, most organized, and most brazen example of homosexual extortion in the nation’s history.”
William McGowan Slate Jul 2012 30min Permalink
How Edith Windsor fell in love, got married, and won a landmark case for gay marriage.
Ariel Levy New Yorker Sep 2013 30min Permalink
How a rugby legend came out.
Gary Smith Sports Illustrated May 2010 30min Permalink
Why do America’s black gay and bisexual men have a higher H.I.V. rate than any country in the world?
Linda Villarosa New York Times Magazine Jun 2017 35min Permalink
Why didn’t gay rights cure gay loneliness?
Michael Hobbes Huffington Post Mar 2017 25min Permalink
The story of 1982’s Making Love.
Kate Aurthur Buzzfeed Feb 2017 30min Permalink
Mapping the global spread of antigay ideology.
Masha Gessen Harper's Feb 2017 20min Permalink
“I made a pact with myself when I was 15 that if I was going to live this life, I'm only going to do it on my terms, and I'm only going to do it if I'm putting my middle finger up at society the whole time. So any time I've had yearnings to go, "Aw, gee, I wish I could be invited to the Emmys," I say, Ru, Ru, remember the pact you made. You never wanted to be a part of that bullshit. In fact, I'd rather have an enema than have an Emmy.”
E. Alex Jung Vulture Mar 2016 15min Permalink
Behind the character Ursula in The Little Mermaid was a legendary drag queen from Baltimore named Divine.
Nicole Pasulka, Brian Ferree Hazlitt Jan 2016 15min Permalink
What happened after the first openly gay player in Division I men’s basketball came out.
Pablo S. Torre ESPN Oct 2015 15min Permalink
Danny Caldwell is openly gay. He’s married. And he’s against gay marriage.
James Ross Gardner Talking Points Memo Jun 2015 15min Permalink
On two gay men in Pennsylvania who tried, and failed, to build a commune of their own.
Penelope Green New York Times May 2015 10min Permalink
An essay on its history and future during a time when “gayness, we are told, is over.”
J. Bryan Lowder Slate May 2015 35min Permalink
“It took me 32 years to come out. This is what happened when I did.”
Barney Frank Politico Magazine Mar 2015 25min Permalink
The love story behind the battle over gay marriage in Texas.
Pamela Colloff Texas Monthly Mar 2015 40min Permalink
Tracy and Kathryn plan their wedding.
Monica Hesse Washington Post Jan 2015 15min Permalink
The Tiwonge Chimbalanga, a transgender woman who was imprisoned four years ago in Malawi for getting engaged to a man. Pardoned and freed, she now scrapes by living in exile in South Africa.
Mark Gevisser The Guardian Nov 2014 20min Permalink
A survivor of conversion therapy gets the wedding of her dreams.
Michael J. Mooney D Magazine Sep 2014 15min Permalink
On the rise in gay teens who are cast out by their families.
Alex Morris Rolling Stone Sep 2014 25min Permalink
CeCe McDonald, a homeless trans teen in Minneapolis, was charged with murder for defending herself. Then she became a folk hero.
Sabrina Rubin Erdely Rolling Stone Jul 2014 25min Permalink
Coming out in a country where that can get you killed.
Farhad Dolatizadeh The Stranger May 2014 10min Permalink
How activists are using science to show that someone can be truly attracted to both a man and a woman.
Benoit Denizet-Lewis New York Times Magazine Mar 2014 30min Permalink
The behind-the-scenes story of how NFL prospect Michael Sam came out.
Cyd Zeigler Outsports Feb 2014 15min Permalink
The coordinated government attack on queer Russia.
Jeff Sharlet GQ Feb 2014 30min Permalink
The gay influence on American cooking.
John Birdsall Lucky Peach Jun 2013 10min Permalink