The Last American Man
At age 17, Eustace Conway moved into the North Carolina woods. He hasn’t compromised since.
At age 17, Eustace Conway moved into the North Carolina woods. He hasn’t compromised since.
Elizabeth Gilbert GQ Feb 1998 25min Permalink
As the wilderness gets overrun, the most hated man in the Rockies finds an audience of emulators and antagonists.
Nick Paumgarten New Yorker Jan 2021 Permalink
On hope, violence, and being Black in the outdoors.
Latria Graham Outside Sep 2020 20min Permalink
On surfer girls in Maui; the story that led to the film Blue Crush.
Susan Orlean Outside Sep 1998 20min Permalink
Junior’s personal life is in shambles, Robert Mueller looms large, and it’s never been trickier to be the president’s son.
Julia Ioffe GQ Jun 2018 25min Permalink
The story of the 100-mile Barkley Marathons.
“What makes it so bad? No trail, for one. A cumulative elevation gain that’s nearly twice the height of Everest.”
Leslie Jamison The Believer May 2011 25min Permalink
A father tries to bond with his transgender child.
Robert James Russell Passages North Feb 2016 20min Permalink
How Yvon Chouinard turned his eco-conscious, anti-corporate ideals into the credo of a successful clothing company.
Nick Paumgarten New Yorker Sep 2016 35min Permalink
Surfing San Francisco with a true believer.
William Finnegan New Yorker Aug 1992 1h15min Permalink
When deep sea diver Dave Shaw reached the bottom of Bushman’s Hole, he discovered the body of Deon Dreyer. Though Dreyer had been gone for 10 years, Shaw was determined to bring him back.
Tim Zimmermann Outside Aug 2005 40min Permalink
Sex, potential violence, and human awkardness convene on an isolated shore.
"A slight breeze brings slight relief from the heat and a taste of the saltwater lapping against the hard sand. He’s been here many times. Though he has no desire to kill a bird, he loves this place, this lonely beach at the edge of this lonely lake too shallow for boats and too lifeless to attract fishermen. He loves the sand bugs and the sharp edges of the sand grass. Especially he loves the deep shade beneath the willow trees, and the sound of the cicadas’ music in the sun."
Nathan Knapp Specter Magazine Jul 2014 Permalink
What it takes to recover from a near-death brawl with a bear.
Thomas Curwen The Los Angeles Times Apr 2007 Permalink
A (graphically) detailed account of a bear’s attack on a father and daughter hiking in Glacier National Park.
Thomas Curwen The Los Angeles Times Apr 2007 20min Permalink
When a boulder shifts and pins his hand, a climber on a solo trip is forced to do the unthinkable: amputate his own arm. A first-person account of the six-day ordeal, excerpted from Ralston’s Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
Aron Ralston Outside Sep 2004 25min Permalink
A group of childhood friends, two of whom had already climbed Everest, finds tragedy on Mont Blanc.
Ned Zeman Vanity Fair Nov 2010 20min Permalink
Fifty-four days after his group’s Everest climb turned tragic, Krakauer first told the story of what had gone wrong.
Jon Krakauer Outside Sep 1996 15min Permalink
Before embarking on dangerous rock climbs, Matt Samet would use whiskey to wash down powerful prescription tranquilizers. A first-person account of extreme addiction.
Matt Samet Outside Jun 2010 20min Permalink
What does it take to win the World Taxidermy Championships?
Susan Orlean New Yorker Jun 2003 15min Permalink