My Evil Dad: Life As A Serial Killer’s Daughter
“‘Why does my dad have duct tape by his pillow?’”
We recommended 1,642 articles this year, from 1,364 writers and 417 publishers. Collectively, they were read over 10 million times.
These are our favorites.
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“‘Why does my dad have duct tape by his pillow?’”
A former employee’s horror stories.
Nancy and Frank Howard were happily married for three decades. Then he fell in love with another woman, embezzled $30 million, and hired a parade of inept hit men to kill his wife.
Tom Monaghan started Domino’s. Mike Ilitch started Little Caesers. Both became billionaires, both live in Detroit, both are now over 75. They’ve made very different decisions about how to spend their fortunes.
Bernie Kerik and Jack Abramoff on “Club Fed.”
A fifteen-year-old Russian has a shorter life expectancy than a peer in Bangladesh, Cambodia, or Yemen.
The case of Brett Kimberlin.
What do you do when you think a family member is a murderer? Step one: stop eating her food.
What happened to McDonald’s?
A report from Owsley County, Ky., the poorest county in America.