My Grandma the Poisoner
What do you do when you think a family member is a murderer? Step one: stop eating meals at her house.
We recommended 1,642 articles this year, from 1,364 writers and 417 publishers. Collectively, they were read over 10 million times.
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What do you do when you think a family member is a murderer? Step one: stop eating meals at her house.
Followers of Harun Yahya wear drag make-up and practice a “sexed-up, Disney version of Islam.” They also help promote conservative Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s vision of a modern, Muslim Turkey.
How a lawyer from the Valley created a gossip empire.
“Everyone on the boat is racist and nice. Including me.”
Making vision boards with rap’s strangest fallen star.
A trip to The Villages, a booming retiremement community outside Orlando, where the golf is free, casual sex is everywhere, and there is no cemetery.
Britney Spears works Vegas.
John Aldridge fell overboard in the middle of the night, 40 miles from shore, and the Coast Guard was looking in the wrong place. How did he survive?
Tom Cruise did not, in fact, jump up and down on Oprah’s couch.
What it’s like to be the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the Internet.