How a Chinese billionaire’s dream of making an underwater fantasy blockbuster turned into a legendary movie fiasco.
We recommended 1,399 articles articles this year, from 1,088 writers and 307 publications.
These were our favorites.
How a Chinese billionaire’s dream of making an underwater fantasy blockbuster turned into a legendary movie fiasco.
How she spins the mundanity of being herself—something billions of people do every day for free—into a more lucrative business than being the most famous rapper in the world.
The archive of Mexican architect Luis Barragán has been hidden away for decades. Then an artist decided to make a performance of getting it back.
“I took my son to Paris fashion week, and all I got was a profound understanding of who he is, what he wants to do with his life, and how it feels to watch a grown man stride down a runway wearing shaggy yellow Muppet pants.”
How David Milch, the creator of NYPD Blue and Deadwood, blew his $100 million fortune at the track.