‘I Have No Choice but to Keep Looking’
Five years after the tsunami that killed tens of thousands in Japan, a husband still searches the sea for his wife, joined by a father hoping to find his daughter.
We recommended 1,399 articles articles this year, from 1,088 writers and 307 publications.
These were our favorites.
Five years after the tsunami that killed tens of thousands in Japan, a husband still searches the sea for his wife, joined by a father hoping to find his daughter.
Who authorized the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan, and why?
A full-issue length, 42,000-word history of the dissolution of the Middle East, from the invasion of Iraq 13 years ago until present.
An indigenous leader reflects on a lifetime following the law of the land in Australia.
Their entire lives, Alex and Tim Foley thought their mom and dad were typical, boring American parents. Then the FBI showed up.