The Longform Guide to the Brain
Experimental neuroscience, everlasting consciousness, and conjoined minds — our favorite articles about the brain.
The Itch
What the sensation of an uncontrollable itch can tell us about how the brain operates.
Atul Gawande New Yorker Jun 2008 30min
Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind?
The shared life of Tatiana and Krista Hogan.
Susan Dominus New York Times Magazine May 2011 30min
The Strange Neuroscience of Immortality
How some scientists are turning to connectomes—maps of the brain’s neural circuitry—to make the case for brain preservation, mind uploading, and eternal life.
Evan R. Goldstein The Chronicle of Higher Education Jul 2012 20min
The Strange Case of the Woman Who Can’t Remember Her Past—Or Imagine Her Future
Susie McKinnon cannot hold a grudge. She is unfamiliar with the feeling of regret and oblivious to aging. She has no core memories. And yet she knows who she is.
Erika Hayasaki Wired Apr 2016
As Good as Dead
Is there really such a thing as brain death?
Gary Greenberg New Yorker Aug 2001 20min
The Brain on Trial
Eagleman, a neuroscientist, describes how groundbreaking advances in the science of brain have changed our understanding of volition in criminal acts, and may erode the underpinnings of our justice system.
David Eagleman The Atlantic Jul 2011 30min
Mrs. Kelly's Monster
Edna Kelly’s brain goes under the knife.
Jon Franklin The Baltimore Sun Dec 1978 15min
Dec 1978 – Apr 2016 Permalink