The Most Popular Articles of the Week
A terrifying stalker, a crooked cop and a failed plan in Russia — the week's top stories on Longform.
1) On Being Stalked
“I write this with a baseball bat by the bed.”
Helen DeWitt London Review of Books Aug 2014 15min
2) Putin Dreams of Empire
What U.S. Ambassador Michael McFaul has seen in Russia since he arrived two and a half years ago.
David Remnick New Yorker Aug 2014 45min
3) Me, Myself, and I
On the history of masturbation.
Stephen Greenblatt The New York Review of Books Apr 2004 20min
4) Brooklyn's Baddest
Louis Scarcella was a star New York City detective in the ’80s and ’90s, cracking cases no one else could. Now it appears that many of the people he put away were innocent, forced into false confessions and convicted with testimony from flimsy witnesses. Scarcella maintains that he did nothing wrong, despite evidence against him much stronger than in many of his cases.
Sean Flynn GQ Aug 2014 25min
5) The Most Fascinating Profile You’ll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup
On Stewart Butterfield, the founder of Flickr and now Slack, a wildly popular, difficult-to-describe messaging service that has 38,000 paying subscribers just a few months after launching.
Apr 2004 – Aug 2014 Permalink