Game of Fear

A man felt wronged by his ex-girlfriend, a video game designer. So he published a 9,425-word online screed with “each component designed to be as damaging to [her] as possible.” It sparked the online fire known as “Gamergate.”

Andy Greenwald covers television for Grantland.

“People are enthusiastic about TV. People want to read about it. They want to talk about it. They want to know more. They want to extend its presence in their lives. People used to talk about the water cooler show, but the internet is that water cooler now and people want to be part of the conversation.”

Thanks to TinyLetter, Two5six Festival, The Great Courses, and Aspiration for sponsoring this week's episode.

The Longform Guide to Police Brutality

A report from the NYC race riots of 1964, the perilous existence of confidential informants, and the militarization of American law enforcement — a collection of articles on police brutality.</p>