A Woman Entering a Taxi in the Rain
A profile of photographer Richard Avedon from early in his career.
A profile of photographer Richard Avedon from early in his career.
Winthrop Sargeant New Yorker Nov 1958 35min Permalink
Life and death in an underground economy.
James Verini National Geographic Nov 2012 20min Permalink
Joshua Davis is a contributing editor at Wired and author of the new ebook John McAfee's Last Stand.
"This is a pretty unique situation [for me]. Never has a multimillionaire tech pioneer gone on the lam for a murder and called me from hiding. Yeah, this is a first."
Thanks to TinyLetter for sponsoring this week's episode!
Nov 2012 Permalink
On the history of Nigerian penis theft.
Frank Bures Harper's Jun 2008 20min Permalink
A wide-ranging chat with the magazine editor.
Michael Kinsley New York Nov 2012 20min Permalink
Trevell Coleman wasn’t sure whether he’d killed a man. But after 17 years, he needed to find out.
Jennifer Gonnerman New York Nov 2012 20min Permalink
Elevators, online dating and the mind behind Super Mario Bros. — Paumgarten on Longform.
The Grateful Dead’s afterlife.
Nick Paumgarten New Yorker Nov 2012 50min Permalink
How a small group academics revealed an ancient order of opthamologists.
Noah Shachtman Wired Nov 2012 20min Permalink
An interview with the Japanese artist, who has resided in a mental institution since committing herself in 1975.
Grady Turner, Yayoi Kusama BOMB Magazine Dec 1999 20min Permalink
The story of an avalanche, as told by a survivor.
Megan Michelson Outside Nov 2012 15min Permalink
A week in the author’s life when it became impossible to control the course of events.
Jo Ann Beard New Yorker Jun 1996 30min Permalink
How conspiracy theory links the internet’s first spam (a series of randomly generated words with the subject line Markovian Parallax Denigrate) with a woman who posed as a CIA agent and was convicted of receiving funds from Saddam Hussein’s government.
Kevin Morris Daily Dot Nov 2012 15min Permalink
How a team of 40 engineers helped reelect Barack Obama.
Alexis Madrigal The Atlantic Nov 2012 30min Permalink
Memoir of a Latter-day campaign correspondent.
McKay Coppins Buzzfeed Nov 2012 15min Permalink
Army Spc. Erik Schei was shot in the head in Iraq. This is the story of his recovery.
Megan McCloskey Stars and Stripes Nov 2012 40min Permalink
Ashlyn Blocker, 13, has a “congenital insensitivity to pain.”
Justin Heckert New York Times Magazine Nov 2012 20min Permalink
The story of the 1944 German national soccer championship game.
Noah Davis SB Nation Nov 2012 20min Permalink
Pamela Colloff is an executive editor and staff writer at Texas Monthly.
"There are many, many people who write and they have tragic stories, but they're not necessarily compelling magazine articles. Figuring out what is a compelling magazine article and what isn't is one of the more painful things about this. You can't look into every case. But your job is to be a storyteller."
Thanks to TinyLetter for sponsoring this week's episode!
Nov 2012 Permalink
A 50-year medical riddle in Papua New Guinea and the man who made solving it his life’s work.
Jo Chandler The Global Mail Nov 2012 25min Permalink
Exploring Paris’s parallel universe of tunnels, caverns and catacombs.
Will Hunt Intelligent Life Nov 2012 15min Permalink
“If you have read 6,000 books in your lifetime, or even 600, it’s probably because at some level you find “reality” a bit of a disappointment.”
Joe Queenan The Wall Street Journal Oct 2012 10min Permalink
A profile of Reinhold Messner, the greatest mountain climber of all time.
Caroline Alexander National Geographic Nov 2006 35min Permalink
The deadly hazing that destroyed a legendary college marching band.
Ben Montgomery The Tampa Bay Times Nov 2012 10min Permalink
Life in the French Foreign Legion.
William Langewiesche Vanity Fair Nov 2012 30min Permalink