Who Invented the High Five?
The origin story of a now-ubiquitous celebration.
The origin story of a now-ubiquitous celebration.
Jon Mooallem ESPN Jul 2011 15min Permalink
Scenes from a Bowery flophouse.
Guy Lawson Harper's Dec 1999 50min Permalink
Guy Lawson’s new book is a real-life thriller that tells the inside story of an audacious hedge fund fraud and the wild search, by a colorful cast of rogues and schemers, for a “secret market” beneath the financial market we all know.
Read an excerpt in New York, or pick up a copy on GuyLawson.com.
The triple life of G-Rock: upscale house painter, lifelong Crip, FBI informant.
Guy Lawson GQ Jan 2000 20min Permalink
In a speech that’s getting a bit of flak for recycling some of his past lines, the stage- and screenwriter says it’s okay to make mistakes along the way:
And make no mistake about it, you are dumb. You're a group of incredibly well-educated dumb people. I was there. We all were there. You're barely functional. There are some screw-ups headed your way. I wish I could tell you that there was a trick to avoiding the screw-ups, but the screw-ups, they're a-coming for ya. It's a combination of life being unpredictable, and you being super dumb.
Aaron Sorkin Syracuse University May 2012 10min Permalink
The Mexican novelist and activist talks about the role that the US plays in the hemisphere, and a joint future for North and South America.
We need your memory and your imagination or ours shall never be complete. You need our memory to redeem your past, and our imagination to complete your future. We may be here on this hemisphere for a long time. Let us remember one another. Let us respect one another. Let us walk together outside the night of repression and hunger and intervention, even if for you the sun is at high noon and for us at a quarter to twelve.
Carlos Fuentes Harvard University May 1983 35min Permalink
A six-day hoax in which the newspaper fooled its readers into believing that life had been found on the moon.
Sir John Herschel The New York Sun Aug 1835 2h35min Permalink
A profile of a breakout male porn star:
The porn machine churns out performers to satisfy every fantasy, be it MILF, dwarf, fat, granny, or gang bang. But if you’re interested in watching a young, heterosexual, nonrepulsive man engage in sex, James Deen is basically it.
Amanda Hess Good Nov 2011 20min Permalink
On the fascination, from Hollywood to Atlanta, with zombies.
Justin Heckert Atlanta Magazine Sep 2011 Permalink
But the web is not just some kind of magic all-absorbing meta-medium. It's its own thing. And like other media it has a question that it answers better than any other. That question is: Why wasn't I consulted?
Paul Ford Ftrain.com Jan 2011 10min Permalink
The science of same-sex relationships in the wild.
Jon Mooallem New York Times Magazine Mar 2010 30min Permalink