Sad as Hell
"I have the sensation, as do my friends, that to function as a proficient human, you must both 'keep up' with the internet and pursue more serious, analog interests."
An essay on technology’s reach into daily life.
"I have the sensation, as do my friends, that to function as a proficient human, you must both 'keep up' with the internet and pursue more serious, analog interests."
An essay on technology’s reach into daily life.
Alice Gregory n+1 Nov 2010 10min Permalink
Last summer, when she thought nobody was looking, Mary Bale put a cat in the trash. The act was caught on video, and Bale was quickly tried and convicted online. The aftermath of a viral crime.
M.J. Hyland The Financial Times Mar 2011 20min Permalink
A profile of a pre-30 Rock Tina Fey.
Virginia Heffernan New Yorker Nov 2003 20min Permalink
“My name is Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr., and my name is also Abdul Kareem, but I’ll explain about that much later.” A three-part personal essay on basketball, family, race and religion.
Jack Olsen, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Sports Illustrated Nov 1969 1h30min Permalink
Why utopias are best understood as fiction games, and how they quickly become dystopias when realized.
Paul LaFarge Bookforum Jun 2010 15min Permalink
Investigating the investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks.
Noah Shachtman Wired Apr 2011 1h10min Permalink
A profile of computational biologist Eric Schadt, the guy who’s figuring out what comes next after the Human Genome Project.
On Elizabeth Taylor at the height of her fame.
Dominick Dunne Vanity Fair Mar 2007 Permalink
Best Article Crime History Science
In the 1880’s, a shabbily dressed man popped up in numerous America cities, calling upon local scientists, showing letters of introduction claiming he was a noted geologist or paleontologist, discussing both fields at a staggeringly accomplished level, and then making off with valuable books or cash loans.
- Skulls in the Stars Feb 2011 30min Permalink
After the 1919 Black Sox scandal, Ring Lardner, America’s first great sportswriter, walked away from the game.
Douglas Goetsch The American Scholar Apr 2011 25min Permalink
On the mysterious relationship between a major New York State power broker and a Brooklyn family. “The Turanos are variously described by friends, neighbors and colleagues as the senator’s social acquaintances, lovers or surrogate relatives.”
A profile of Zack Snyder, director of Watchmen, Dawn of the Dead, and the upcoming Superman series.
Alex Pappademas New York Times Magazine Mar 2011 10min Permalink
A young black gentrifier gets lumped in with both groups, often depending on what she’s wearing and where she’s drinking. She is always aware of that fact.
Shani O. Hilton Washington City Paper Mar 2011 30min Permalink
The long, happy, surprising life of 77-year old Donald Gary Triplett, the first person ever diagnosed with autism.
Caren Zucker, John Donvan The Atlantic Apr 2011 30min Permalink
On being the lone male student at a women’s college.
Jay Dixit Rolling Stone Mar 2001 15min Permalink
One part rapist, one part con-man; the story of the seemingly unconvictable Hy Doan.
Denise Grollmus Cleveland Scene Sep 2005 15min Permalink
“Howard Stern’s a bad motherfucker, man..if I had to be on six hours a day, it would be just as nasty and foul and not sophisticated. The fact that you’re going to see me do an hour every four years? Reduce Howard Stern to an hour every four years, you’d have the most brilliant comedian who ever lived. It’s not even close.”
Chris Rock, Scott Raab Esquire Mar 2011 Permalink
Memories of the author’s teenage years, when his father pulled up stakes on a comfortable life in Baltimore to reinvent himself as the head of a S&L bank in Los Angeles.
Eric Puchner GQ Mar 2011 20min Permalink
Thoughts on the current era of online anonymity.
Tess Lynch The Morning News Mar 2011 Permalink
On Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and their new Broadway musical about Mormons, which “may just be their highest artistic achievement yet.”
Carl Swanson New York Mar 2011 15min Permalink
A crusading minister has built a forested Utopia for the itinerant and destitute. But is a social experiment what they’re looking for, or just a place to live?
Alex Morris New York Jan 2010 20min Permalink
The definitive story of a ubiquitous software. PowerPoint’s origins, its evolution, and its mind-boggling impact on corporate culture.
Ian Parker New Yorker May 2001 20min Permalink
The decades-long saga of Miami’s Take Once Cocktail Lounge, where you might get shot, your money will definitely be laundered, and everybody will know your name.
Gus Garcia-Roberts The Miami New Times Feb 2011 20min Permalink
What did $3M paid to a US consulting firm get Qaddafi? A glowing profile in The New Republic, written by a Harvard professor, who travelled to Tripoli to interview him. On the consulting company’s dime. Which he failed to disclose.
David Corn, Siddhartha Mahanta Mother Jones Mar 2011 10min Permalink
Best Article History Tech Media
The challenges facing the historians of the internet.
Ariel Bleicher IEEE Spectrum Mar 2011 15min Permalink