Michael Lewis has written for The New Republic, Vanity Fair and The New York Times Magazine. His latest book is Flash Boys.

“When you're telling a story, you're essentially playing the cards you're dealt. ... Sometimes the hand is very easy to play. Sometimes the hand is difficult to play. At the end, I just try to think, ‘Is there anything I would have done differently?‘ ‘Is there any trick I missed?’ If I don't have the feeling that I missed something big, I feel happy about the book.”

Thanks to TinyLetter and Audible for sponsoring this week's episode.

Shadow Campus

An investigation into Boston’s off-campus housing.

  1. A House Jammed with Students, a Life of Promise Lost

    The fire that killed a Boston University student in a house filled with 13 other people and only one exit.

  2. Overcrowded and at Risk: A Way of Life, and Sometimes, Death for Student Tenants

    Examining the laws around off-campus housing and their lack of enforcement.

  3. A Devastating Mismatch: City vs. Scofflaw Landlords

    How the giants in the student rental trade do business.

The 2014 National Magazine Award Winners