The Issuu Guide to Fashion Media Icons

This guide is sponsored by Issuu, the world's fastest growing digital publishing platform. Issuu's publishers include the biggest names in fashion, lifestyle, art, sports, and global affairs. And many more publications are created by people just like you.

Tonight, one of those publishers, The Daily Front Row, is hosting the first annual Fashion Media Awards at Fashion Week. Eight of the fashion industry's most powerful and influential people will be honored. Tomorrow, The Daily Front Row will publish its annual Media Issue, which you can read on Issuu.</i>

Until then, check out these classic profiles of fashion media icons:

Bashar al-Assad: "All contracts signed with Russia are implemented"

Translation of an exclusive interview with Syrian President Bashar al_Assad:

“Have they not realised that since the Vietnam War, all the wars their predecessors have waged have failed? Have they not learned that they have gained nothing from these wars but the destruction of the countries they fought, which has had a destabilising effect on the Middle East and other parts of the world? Have they not comprehended that all of these wars have not made people in the region appreciate them or believe in their policies?”

Sarah Stillman is a staff writer for The New Yorker.

"People don't really care about issues so much as they care about the stories and the characters that bring those issues to life. ... A story needs an engine or something to propel you forward and it can't just be a collection of like, 'Oh hmm, this was interesting over here and this was interesting over there.' Realizing that helped me sit down with all my stuff on trafficking and labor abuses in Iraq and Afghanistan and say 'What are the five craziest things that I found here and how could I weave them together in a way that would actually have some forward motion?'"

Thanks to TinyLetter and Hulu Plus for sponsoring this week's episode.