Iraq's Baby Noor

Born with spina bifida, Noor al-Zahra Haider entered the media spotlight in 2005 after U.S. troops arranged her life-saving surgery in America. This is what happened when she returned to Iraq.

Sponsor: Voice Media Group

Our sponsor this week is Voice Media Group, publisher of the Village Voice, LA Weekly, Miami New Times and eight other metropolitan newsweeklies and sites. Every week, VMG writers publish longform narrative journalism, and their work is regularly picked for Longform. Here are three recent favorites:

Millionaires Clash Over Shadyside Mansion</b>
Terrence McCoy • Houston Press</p>

Joe Arridy Was the Happiest Man on Death Row
Alan Prendergast • Westword

A White Buffalo’s Death Breeds Suspicion and Lies
Brantley Hargrove • Dallas Observer

VMG is also seeking freelancers to pitch longform features on issues of national importance and interest. If you’re an experienced journalist with reporting chops, energy and ideas, please visit and click on “National Features Program” under “Our Journalism.”

Rolf Potts is a veteran travel writer.

"Instead of seeking out the stories, the stories sort of found me. I miss those days. I mean, I make more money from my writing now and I'm probably a better journalist. But having seven-day weeks to wander, month after month, for two years, was a great way to find real and spontaneous and human travel stories."</i>

Thanks to TinyLetter for sponsoring this week's episode!
