The Dilbit Disaster
Last year, 1 million gallons of diluted bitumen flooded the town of Marshall, Mich. An investigation into “the biggest oil spill you’ve never heard of.”
Last year, 1 million gallons of diluted bitumen flooded the town of Marshall, Mich. An investigation into “the biggest oil spill you’ve never heard of.”
Elizabeth McGowan, Lisa Song InsideClimate News Jun 2012 1h5min Permalink
The story of a Ponzi schemer who became the mark.
Guy Lawson New York Jul 2012 20min Permalink
On the surprising radicalism of library music – “music that has been composed and recorded for commercial purposes.”
Lindsay Zoladz The Believer Jul 2012 20min Permalink
An interview with Pavement’s Bob Nastanovich on his career afterlife as a “a clocker and chart-caller” and occasional breeder at an Iowa race horse track.
Alex Pappademas, Bob Nastanovich Grantland Jun 2012 30min Permalink
A profile of Italian soccer star Mario Balotelli.
Jeré Longman New York Times Jul 2012 Permalink
On collecting books.
I have lived in books, for books, by and with books; in recent years, I have been fortunate enough to be able to live from books. And it was through books that I first realised there were other worlds beyond my own; first imagined what it might be like to be another person; first encountered that deeply intimate bond made when a writer's voice gets inside a reader's head.
Julian Barnes The Guardian Jun 2012 15min Permalink
How Wall Street thoroughly dominated Obama’s economic policy.
Paul Krugman, Robin Wells New York Review of Books Jul 2012 15min Permalink
Growing up with Charlie Brown.
Jonathan Franzen New Yorker Nov 2004 30min Permalink
Listening to the Big Star songwriter, who left the group before dying in a solo car crash at 27.
His voice, on the recordings, is too sensitive. That's meant not as an aesthetic judgment. It wasn't too sensitive for the material, in other words. It was too sensitive for life. You listen to him sing, closely, and if you don't know another thing about what happened to him, you know that the guy with that voice is not going to last.
John Jeremiah Sullivan Oxford American Apr 2010 10min Permalink
On the road with three high school show choirs and a dream.
William Powell Cincinnati Magazine Jul 2012 25min Permalink
How six different people live off six different, and wildly varying, incomes.
Jon Ronson GQ Jul 2012 15min Permalink
How the author became tangled up with an international con man who may or may not have murdered several people.
Brad Stone Businessweek Jun 2012 15min Permalink
Life as a police informant.
Ted Conover New York Times Magazine Jun 2012 20min Permalink
A profile of Chief Justice John Roberts.
Jeffrey Toobin New Yorker May 2009 30min Permalink
How Obama’s immigration enforcement policies got away from him.
James Verini Washington Monthly Jun 2012 25min Permalink
Transcript of the 1969 Montreal “bed-in.”
JOHN: How long have you been there, in the teepee? I mean, before you sussed the wind and everything, and you know, got your senses back? ROSEMARY: We had to put the teepee up three times before it was right. It’s like you can touch it, and it resounds like a drone, and then it’s perfect, the canvas. It’s a wind instrument that plays like a drone.
Timothy Leary Archives Jun 2012 15min Permalink
How, and why, the world got it wrong.
Katherine Eban Fortune Jun 2012 25min Permalink
John MacNeil was convicted by the state of Massachusetts of second-degree murder. He was given a life sentence. He escaped. He was caught. Through an incredible feat of jailhouse lawyering, he somehow got himself paroled and exiled to Canada. Then he came home.
David L. Yas Boston Magazine Nov 2001 15min Permalink
Peter de Jonge New York Times Magazine Oct 2001 20min Permalink
In “Shelf-Love,” Ben Dolnick recounts his feverish, hilarious, occasionally mortifying love for the writing of Alice Munro. It’s an essay for everyone who has ever truly loved a book, and for anyone who has ever thought about writing one.
Weekly sponsorships of Longform are available in July.
What would drive a man to stand outside the Vatican embassy nearly every day for 14 years?
Ariel Sabar Washingtonian Jul 2012 40min Permalink
The curious case of SpongeBob SquarePants illustrator Todd White, three ninjas, and an art caper.
David Kushner Vanity Fair Jun 2012 15min Permalink
Nora Ephron on adolescence.
Nora Ephron Esquire May 1972 Permalink
With the exception of the imperial offspring of the Ming dynasty and the dauphins of pre-Revolutionary France, contemporary American kids may represent the most indulged young people in the history of the world.
Elizabeth Kolbert New Yorker Jun 2012 10min Permalink
“Over the past century, coaches have used intuition and discipline to vastly improve athletic performance. Now scientists are taking the last step, helping athletes approach perfection.”
Mark McClusky Wired Jun 2012 15min Permalink