The Subversive Joy of Lil Nas X's Gay Pop Stardom
A profile of a new icon.
A profile of a new icon.
Jazmine Hughes New York Times Magazine Jul 2021 30min Permalink
A double life across two cultures.
Diana Xin Electric Lit Aug 2020 30min Permalink
A first date; a viewing of a classic musical.
Gideon Jacobs Playboy May 2020 20min Permalink
Childhood friends, escalating traumas.
Miranda Williams Menacing Hedge Jan 2020 15min Permalink
The complexities of aging and desire.
Ben Tanzer Maudlin House Sep 2019 10min Permalink
Sexual and personal growth intertwine.
Cassandra Morrison Juked Magazine Jul 2019 10min Permalink
Scenes and thoughts from an affair.
Melissa Goode The Penn Review May 2019 10min Permalink
A European vacation, a quietly crumbling marriage.
Ursula Villarreal-Moura Bennington Review Aug 2018 15min Permalink
A mother and daughter take a complicated trip to Central Asia.
Lori Sambol Brody The Rumpus Oct 2017 25min Permalink
Loneliness and longing at an Arizona Renaissance fair.
Deirdre Coyle The Texas Observer Oct 2017 10min Permalink
Reflections on a scientific autopsy and the nature of intimacy.
Marléne Zadig Necessary Fiction Jul 2017 Permalink
A cabbie and a passenger discuss Chinese economics and generational gaps.
How Bill Kennedy, the only openly gay referee in the NBA, came out.
Kevin Arnovitz ESPN Oct 2016 30min Permalink
A conversation with (and memories of) an unscrupulous bar owner.
Glen Pourciau Green Mountains Review Aug 2016 Permalink
A girls' camp nature walk takes an unusual, grotesque turn.
Alice Kaltman Joyland Magazine Aug 2016 20min Permalink
Secular crises of two workers at a religious camp.
Chelsea Hogue The Collagist Jun 2016 25min Permalink
Religion, high school football, and racial problems in small town America.
Jared Yates Sexton New Mexico Review Dec 2015 10min Permalink
A story of high school, sexuality, and tagging; from Puerto del Sol's first online issue.
Bryan Washington Puerto del Sol Nov 2015 20min Permalink
Theft and magic in the early 20th century.
Kirsten Bakis Tin House Aug 2015 20min Permalink
A tornado causes physical and psychological turmoil in a religious community.
"The next morning, I ran through the streets in my pajamas, screaming for somebody, anybody. I finally found Daddy standing at the edge of the detention pond behind the church. It was full of all sorts of stuff: cars, tree trunks, gas grills, hot water heaters, and two bodies. The bodies were naked, and I didn’t recognize them at first. But then I saw their faces. It was Brother Mack and the second Hillyer girl. They were facing each other, impaled by a metal post from the chain link fence, pushed together like two pieces of chicken on a kebab."
Emily Carpenter Wyvern Lit May 2015 Permalink
A woman buys a life-like, anamatronic man named Simon.
"She found the little velvet bag, dropped two tokens into his neck, and went to the computer while he booted up. She searched the website, but there weren’t any programs for what she wanted. Apparently, there were rules, the first of which stated that a robot may not injure a human being. Not even a little. Not a butter-knife nick or a cigarette burn or an intentional pull of the hair. She bought the phrase “I hate you” and a package described as brooding that looked close enough to anger. She stuck the USB drive under his arm and waited for the green light."
Laura Ender Sundog Lit Dec 2014 15min Permalink
Vampire movies, sex tapes, aging, and complicated relationships: new fiction from the great Kelly Link.
"It’s not much fun, telling a ghost story while you’re naked. Telling the parts of the ghost story that you’re supposed to tell. Not telling other parts. While the woman you love stands there with the person you used to be."
Kelly Link McSweeney's Dec 2014 40min Permalink
An uneasy relationship between two people squatting in a crime scene house.
"But that guy was gone. In between the fourth and fifth beer at the bar, he disappeared in a haze of yellow and heat. Someone’s joke. A crack of broken glass. Tony and the guy out the door. Maybe in the back alley. And then it was all Tony Disco sidling up to me at the bar, his arm warm against mine, his breath like juniper. And now here he and I were, slumped on a dead woman’s couch."
Jessica Barksdale Pithead Chapel Dec 2014 10min Permalink
In a series of diary entries, a woman explores her terrifying relationship with a vampiric count.
"The first thing I saw this way was me. I was in bed beside him, and began to drift into sleep. When my eyes closed I saw myself, dozing. My hair was silver and gold on the moonlit pillow and my mouth was smeared with his blood. I opened my eyes and he was leaning over me, studying me. I asked him what was the matter."
Susan Millar DuMars Atticus Review Nov 2014 10min Permalink
A series of memories and addictions from various years.
"I come here after my shift at the record store and sit around at picnic tables outside, scribbling into notebooks while drinking shitty coffee and waiting for my girlfriend, Velvet, to get off work so we can go get high. The crowd here is varied: AA people alongside art people and punks alongside dirty Deadheads and downtown casualties. There are many open mic poetry events, usually outdoors at dusk. One night I decide to read. I go to the mic and drop weapons. I go to the mic and read about Kuwait City and southern Iraq. I go to the mic and read about prostitutes and hashish and drinking homemade wine made out of grape juice in the middle of the Indian Ocean. I go to the mic and curse over and over again. Nobody claps. Nobody moves. I am not asked to read again."
Sean H. Doyle Everyday Genius Oct 2014 Permalink