The Two Rogers
Reflections on Mr. Angell, Mr. Kahn and Dad.
Reflections on Mr. Angell, Mr. Kahn and Dad.
Alex Belth SB Nation Oct 2012 20min Permalink
Working within Andalusia’s impoverished farming communities, a ragtag pair of longtime union leaders have been leading raids on local supermarkets.
Jeffrey Tayler Businessweek Oct 2012 10min Permalink
On the moral behavior of animals.
Mark Rowlands Aeon Oct 2012 15min Permalink
The U.S. military’s leadership problem.
Thomas E. Ricks The Atlantic Nov 2012 25min Permalink
How modernity – and an eruption of violence – changed “the most remote inhabited island on the Atlantic seaboard.”
Geoffrey Douglas Yankee Sep 2011 Permalink
A non-erotic journey.
John Jeremiah Sullivan New York Times Magazine Oct 2012 10min Permalink
Barry Zito, profiled.
Chris Jones Esquire Jun 2002 10min Permalink
Bruce Cawsey Waite has no home, no office, and wears a dead man’s suit.
Lisa Taddeo The New York Observer Oct 2012 Permalink
“When I’m in Nigeria, I find myself looking at the passive, placid faces of the people standing at the bus stops. They are tired after a day’s work, and thinking perhaps of the long commute back home, or of what to make for dinner. I wonder to myself how these people, who surely love life, who surely love their own families, their own children, could be ready in an instant to exact a fatal violence on strangers.”
Teju Cole The Atlantic Oct 2012 15min Permalink
Adrian Chen is a staff writer at Gawker and editor at The New Inquiry.
"I've never written a magazine feature. [My writing is] similar, in that I try to bring in the bigger issues, and not just, you know, be funny or tell a sensational story. But I think it's also kind of rough and sketchy in the way that blog posts are. Longform blog writing is like, I don't spend a long time editing or looking it over. It's like, just type as fast as you can and try to cram all of your research in, and then it goes up."
Thanks to TinyLetter for sponsoring this week's episode!
Oct 2012 Permalink
Why do Ikarians live so long—and remain mentally sharp until the end?
Dan Buettner New York Times Magazine Oct 2012 25min Permalink
Whether you are looking for exceptional longform journalism, dazzling photography, or a new way to explore your passions, Zinio has you covered. Zinio is the world’s largest digital newsstand with more than 5,500 magazines from 35 countries. Read your favorites online or off; Zinio has apps for iOS, Google Play, PC, and Mac.
This week, Zinio recommends “In a Dangerous Place,” an amazing article from Elephant about the trials and tribulations of acclaimed artist Marcus Harvey.
On the novelist’s experience in movie-making.
Raymond Chandler The Atlantic Nov 1945 15min Permalink
In the 1970s, Chile was on the verge of developing sophisticated technology to monitor its economy. Then America intervened.
Alan Bellows Damn Interesting Oct 2012 15min Permalink
Profiles of people with genius-level IQs.
Mike Sager Esquire Nov 1999 25min Permalink
“From all appearances, this place is still an earthly paradise. There is just one problem, though you could stare at this palm grove for a lifetime and never see it. The soil under our feet, whitish gray in color with flecks of coral, contains a radioactive isotope called cesium 137.”
S. C. Gwynne Outside Oct 2012 25min Permalink
“His seeming ease belies the anxiety and emotion that advisers say he brings to his historic position: pride in what he has accomplished, determination to acquit himself well and intense frustration.”
Jodi Kantor New York Times Oct 2012 10min Permalink
Life at Marvel Comics in the mid-1960s.
An excerpt from Marvel Comics: The Untold Story.
A tragic car crash, its lone survivor, and his reeling town.
Josh Wingrove The Globe and Mail Oct 2012 25min Permalink
Forty years after its release, the story of “Free to Be… You and Me.”
On the origins of outbreaks.
David Quammen Popular Science Oct 2012 20min Permalink
A profile of George McGovern.
Michael Leahy Washington Post Feb 2005 Permalink
In the slums adjacent to Mumbai’s airport.
Katherine Boo New Yorker Feb 2009 25min Permalink
Why the future feels frozen in time, as framed by Marshall McLuhan (“We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.”) and William Gibson (“The future is already here; it is just unevenly distributed.”)
Venkatesh Rao Ribbonfarm May 2012 20min Permalink
We know we need it, but we don’t know why.
D.T. Max National Geographic May 2010 15min Permalink