Held by the Taliban

NYT journalist David Rohde’s alternately terrifying and absurd first person account of his kidnapping en route to an interview in Southern Afghanistan and the subsequent seven months he, along with his translator and driver, spent in captivity in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

  1. 7 Months, 10 Days in Captivity

  2. Inside the Islamic Emirate

  3. ‘You Have Atomic Bombs, but We Have Suicide Bombers.’

  4. A Drone Strike and Dwindling Hope

  5. A Rope and a Prayer

  6. Epilogue

Rajneeshees in Oregon: The Untold Story

Twenty-five years ago, a guru from India showed up in rural Oregon with 2,000 followers. Here’s what happened next: they legally turned their multi-million dollar ranch into an incorporated city, imported homeless people to swing local votes, poisoned hundreds and attempted to assassinate the state’s U.S. attorney.

  1. Part 1: 25 Years After Rajneeshee Commune Collapsed, Truth Spills Out

  2. Part 2: Thwarted Rajneeshee Leaders Attack Enemies, Neighbors with Poison

  3. Part 3: Rajneeshee Leaders Take Revenge on The Dalles’ with Poison, Homeless

  4. Part 4: Rajneeshee Leaders See Enemies Everywhere as Questions Compound

  5. Part 5: Rajneeshees’ Utopian Dreams Collapse as Talks Turn to Murder

2011 Pulitzer Prize: Investigative Reporting: Weak Insurers Put Millions of Floridians at Risk

Despite no hurricanes in five years, Florida insurers are demanding yet more money from homeowners. At the same time, the capital that insurers have on hand to pay claims has shrunk. One reporter spent a year trying to figure out why.

  1. Weak Insurers Put Floridians at Risk

  2. How Insurers Make Millions on the Side

  3. Regulators Take a Gamble on Discount Insurance

  4. Property Insurers Sending Billions Overseas

  5. Florida Insurers Rely on Dubious Storm Model

  6. How State Farm Cashed in on a Crisis

  7. No Hurricanes, but Bigger Insurance Bills

2011 Pulitzer Prize: National Reporting: The Wall Street Money Machine

A series on how some Wall Street bankers, seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of their clients and sometimes even their own firms, at first delayed but then worsened the financial crisis.

  1. The Magnetar Trade: How One Hedge Fund Helped Keep the Bubble Going

  2. The ‘Subsidy’: How a Handful of Merrill Lynch Bankers Helped Blow Up Their Own Firm

  3. Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis