Stickeen: The Story of a Dog
An adventure on an Alaskan glacier with a new best friend.
An adventure on an Alaskan glacier with a new best friend.
Meditations on the myth of the voiceless.
Amitav Ghosh Orion Sep 2021 20min Permalink
The soul of an octopus.
Sy Montgomery Orion Oct 2011 20min Permalink
The story of the loneliest whale in the world.
Leslie Jamison The Atavist Magazine Aug 2014 50min Permalink
What happens when we talk to animals?
Lauren Markham Harper's Mar 2021 20min Permalink
An ambitious new system will track scores of species from space—shedding light, scientists hope, on the lingering mysteries of animal movement.
Sonia Shah The New York Times Magazine Jan 2021 15min Permalink
Twenty-five years ago, the tragedy at the World of Primates building broke the city’s heart and raised a loaded question: What, exactly, do we owe the animals in our care?
Sandy Hingston Philadephia Magazine Dec 2020 20min Permalink
What will we lose when Najin and Fatu die?
Sam Anderson New York Times Magazine Jan 2021 30min Permalink
Two Southern neighbors form a layered bond.
Frederica Morgan Davis storySouth Oct 2020 35min Permalink
In Gujarat, India, a special breed of camel is not constrained by land—but cannot escape the many forces of change.
Shanna Baker Hakai Sep 2020 15min Permalink
The planet’s tallest animal is in far greater danger than people might think.
Ed Yong The Atlantic Mar 2020 15min Permalink
If researchers can figure out how pigeons and rats evolve to thrive in hostile city habitats, it could help other beasts—including us—adapt to climate change.
Brendan I. Koerner Wired Sep 2019 25min Permalink
Scenes from a troubled Appalachian marriage.
Beth Gilstrap Menacing Hedge Jul 2019 20min Permalink
On becoming a mom.
Kathleen Hale Elle Feb 2017 15min Permalink
What’s at stake in the fight over development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? A caribou herd, and a culture that relies on it.
Eva Holland Longreads May 2019 30min Permalink
An unexpected visitor—a camel—helps a woman cope with personal and political turmoil.
Vineetha Mokkil Gravel Magazine May 2019 10min Permalink
“Rats are our shadow selves.”
Emma Marris National Geographic Mar 2019 20min Permalink
What science can tell us about how other creatures experience the world.
Ross Andersen The Atlantic Feb 2019 30min Permalink
On the grief that comes with losing livestock.
E.B. White The Atlantic Jan 1948 15min Permalink
Various forms of isolation in rural Canada.
Alison Braid Barren Magazine Jan 2019 15min Permalink
For decades, Jeffrey Lendrum went to extreme lengths to snatch falcon eggs from their nests and sell them to the highest bidder. Then he got caught.
Joshua Hammer Outside Jan 2019 30min Permalink
An obsessive marine biologist gambles his savings, family, and sanity on a quest to be the first to capture a live giant squid.
David Grann New Yorker May 2004 45min Permalink
A quest for tigers in India.
Brian Phillips The Ringer Sep 2018 35min Permalink
Put a few termites into a petri dish and they wander around aimlessly; put in forty and they start stampeding around the dish’s perimeter like a herd. But put enough termites together, in the right conditions, and they will build you a cathedral.
Amia Srinivasan New Yorker Sep 2018 20min Permalink
Could a global icon of extinction still be alive?
Brooke Jarvis New Yorker Jun 2018 25min Permalink