Every Thought, Every Motion
A story of an Antarctic data hack.
A story of an Antarctic data hack.
Berit Ellingsen Cartridge Lit Jul 2014 Permalink
Oomba was a startup designed to make a lot of money from the games industry. Instead, everyone played each other.
Amanda Chicago Lewis The Verge Nov 2020 35min Permalink
There’s only ever so much you can control at any job.
David Roth Hazlitt Dec 2019 15min Permalink
How Fortnite became the Instagram of gaming.
Brian Feldman New York Jul 2018 20min Permalink
Video-game designer Zoë Quinn in the aftermath of Gamergate, an act of web harassment with world-altering implications.
Noreen Malone New York Jul 2017 25min Permalink
One of the most valuable cars in the world crashes going 200 mph on the Pacific Coast Highway. Its owner claims to be an anti-terrorism officer. In fact, he’s a former executive at a failed software company—and a career criminal. The unraveling of an epic con.
Randall Sullivan Wired Oct 2006 25min Permalink
Billy Mitchell’s quest for video game perfection.
David Ramsey Oxford American May 2006 Permalink
A father, his dying son, and the quest to make the most profound video game ever.
Jason Tanz Wired Jan 2016 10min Permalink
A profile of the world’s best League of Legends player, a 19-year-old Korean kid whose nickname is God.
Mina Kimes ESPN the Magazine Jun 2015 10min Permalink
The making of an all-time great video game.
Blake J. Harris Read-Only Memory Mar 2015 25min Permalink
Details from a Lord of the Rings fantasy game interrupt details of a tragic, complicated personal life.
"Right about now, I assume you’ve gotten a bit bored. Dead babies! Let me tell you, dying babies bore the shit out of pretty much everyone, I’ve learned. So, let me take a moment to tell you a humorous LOTRO anecdote (that is, Lord of the Rings Online) about my level 25 minstrel character, Sinuviel. You see, LOTRO is free up to a point, and great fun if you have access to a computer that is badass enough to run it. Just before my fiancé, James, died, I bought a refurbished ASUS laptop for dirt cheap, and it was the best thing in the world for distracting me from how boring my dying child was to everyone I’d ever known."
K. Jane Childs Cartridge Lit Nov 2014 Permalink
How a small group of gamers has been able to “set the terms of debate in a $100 billion industry, even as they send women like Brianna Wu into hiding and show every sign that they intend to keep doing so until all their demands are met.”
Kyle Wagner Deadspin Oct 2014 20min Permalink
A lonely man creates a female avatar in a video game.
"Frank took Sophia’s hand. This was not an agreed upon action so much as he *took hold of her hand.* Rob was unsure how to analyze this action. Girls had taken his hand before, after drinks at the bar or during movies, and the entire time Rob was uncomfortable. He had sweaty hands and spent the whole experience worrying about his date’s perception of this moisture. He always thought about letting go, but felt that it was his duty, as the girls seemed to, to hold their hands on these occasions and that to let go would be a greater violation than his sweat. Sophia’s hands were not sweaty, as pixels could not sweat. Her hands were not something embarrassing. They had no hair and if looked at closely, the nails would be carefully manicured. But what were her obligations to hold hands with Frank? She was not his girlfriend. They had just met and Frank, the king, was touching Sophia’s hand as if it was his own hand."
Tasha Coryell Cartridge Lit May 2014 15min Permalink
After a breakup, a man begins to transform his apartment into a retro arcade.
"I ask him what he plans to do with the games. Is he going to start an arcade? Is he going to fix them and sell them? Matt shrugs and tells me it’s just a hobby now. It’s good that you’ve distracted yourself from Sarah, I tell him, and he says yeah, he’s enjoying his abdication—abdication, as if he’s resigning from the presidency or something. He says it makes him feel like a kid again and I nod. Video games will do that. Nostalgia. But Matt shakes his head, like I’m not understanding him."
Ian Denning Sundog Lit Sep 2013 10min Permalink
The bizarre battle over the Call of Duty video game franchise.
Max Chafkin Vanity Fair Jun 2013 20min Permalink
How Curt Schilling’s video-game company went bust.
Jason Schwartz Boston Magazine Aug 2012 Permalink
Why people play violent video games.
Tom Bissell Grantland Jul 2012 15min Permalink
The game’s past, present, and future.
Noah Davis The Verge Jun 2012 15min Permalink
Jonathan Blow is both the video game industry’s most cynical critic and its most ambitious game developer. As he finishes his indescribable game-opus, a trip inside the head of a videogame auteur.
Taylor Clark The Atlantic May 2012 30min Permalink
From Tetris to Angry Birds, an examination of “stupid games.”
Sam Anderson New York Times Magazine Apr 2012 20min Permalink
The beginnings of the best-selling video game, from a chapter of David Kushner’s new book on the subject.
David Kushner Gamespot Mar 2012 15min Permalink
In which the author’s wife attempts to break the world record in Tetris.
Billy Baker The Boston Globe Aug 2007 25min Permalink
On a U.S. soldier burned to the verge of death and the virtual-reality video game doctors used as treatment when he came home.
How the game gets made.
Tom Bissell Grantland Jan 2012 30min Permalink
On video game collectors’ “holy grail” – a Nintendo World Championships cartridge:
Wired.com tracked down some of the Nintendo World Championships participants and serious videogame collectors whose lives have touched by these coveted artifacts of a bygone 8-bit era. Here are their stories.
Chris Kohler Wired Sep 2011 20min Permalink