Showing 25 articles matching physics of music.

Joseph Cox is a cybersecurity journalist and co-founder of 404 Media. His new book is Dark Wire: The Incredible True Story of the Largest Sting Operation Ever.

“In the not too distant future, I will be a very old man, and maybe I won't be able to spend all day talking to drug traffickers. I will be mentally and physically exhausted. So I will doggedly pursue the story right now while I can.”

The Longform Guide to High School

From football fields in Texas to the real Ridgemont High, a collection of picks to help remember a time you might rather forget.

Rolf Potts is a veteran travel writer.

"Instead of seeking out the stories, the stories sort of found me. I miss those days. I mean, I make more money from my writing now and I'm probably a better journalist. But having seven-day weeks to wander, month after month, for two years, was a great way to find real and spontaneous and human travel stories."</i>

Thanks to TinyLetter for sponsoring this week's episode!


The Longform Guide to Animal Attacks

From grizzlies in Alaska to whales at SeaWorld, a collection stories of animals turning on humans.

The Longform Guide to Disease

Cancer, AIDS and weaponized smallpox—a collection of the best articles about disease.

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Compiled by @elongreen

The Longform Guide to Sea Creatures

Keiko, Nessie, and giant squids: a collection of picks on animals from the deep.

The Longform Guide to the CIA

Operations gone wrong, how the media covered for spies, and the story that became Argo — a collection of our favorite articles about the CIA.

Sponsor: 'The Telling Room' by Michael Paterniti

Our sponsor this week is a fantastic new book from Longform regular Michael Paterniti, The Telling Room: A Tale of Love, Betrayal, Revenge, and the World's Greatest Piece of Cheese. Paterniti spent years visiting a picturesque Spanish village, unearthing a remarkable story of secrets, murder plots, blood fueds and, yes, a very tasty piece of cheese.

George Saunders called The Telling Room "a wild and amazing ride." Susan Orlean said it was "a marvelous tale and a joyful read." We say it's excellent. And it's out today.

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We Are All Witnesses

The private grief of Samaria Rice, twenty months after her son Tamir was killed.

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“Don’t forget. You see all these protests. That’s good. You see this whole movement. That’s good. You see all these different people with all these different agendas. You see celebrities making speeches. But underneath it all there’s somebody like me with a dead son.”


“I shared my plans with no one, not my girlfriend, not my parents, not my closest friends. Nobody knew the route I was taking out of town, where I was going, or my new name. If I got caught, it would be by my own mistakes.” A writer’s attempt to disappear for a month with a $5,000 bounty on his head.

The Early David Letterman 1967-1980

“Every Sunday at my house … we watched The Ed Sullivan Show…. Whether we enjoyed it or not. That was my first lesson in show business. I don’t think anybody in the house particularly enjoyed it. We just watched it. Maybe that’s the purpose of television. You just turn it on and watch it whether you want to or not.”

On Seeing a Sex Surrogate

In 1983, I wrote an article about sex and disabled people. In interviewing sexually active men and women, I felt removed, as though I were an anthropologist interviewing headhunters while endeavoring to maintain the value-neutral stance of a social scientist. Being disabled myself, but also being a virgin, I envied these people ferociously

Girls at War

On a group of teenage believers raised in settlements on the West Bank:

They say it takes one generation to found a new language. These girls are a new language, believing that they belong to the land on which they were born, and sponsored by the government they despise, which pays for their roads and electricity.

Up With Grups*

The ascendant breed of grown-ups who are redefining adulthood.

This is an obituary for the generation gap. It is a story about 40-year-old men and women who look, talk, act, and dress like people who are 22 years old. It’s not about a fad but about a phenomenon that looks to be permanent.

Tourist Snapshots

“I turned to see Eva padding around the room, naked, dipping a small plastic wand into the bottle of bubble soap she’d bought at the market… Sometime in the far future, when I was lying on my deathbed, I said, this was the moment I wanted to remember.”

On the relationship between travel and photography.