Make the Most of Your Summer in NYC

Our sponsor this week is The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University, a resource for those who wish to take their lives in new directions.

No matter your field, if you're looking for professional, personal, or academic development, the School of Continuing Education has something to offer. And you can start right now: the Summer Session application deadline is June 25. Spend your summer in New York City and take incredible, stimulating courses in writing, business, computer science, and so much more. Plus, you'll get full access to Columbia's beautiful campus, including its state-of-the-art gym.

Nothing beats summer in New York. Make yours even better: apply today.

Fiction Pick of the Week: "Fort"

Troubles and afflictions weigh on counselors and veterans.

"The Fort was actually just an ugly house. Eighteen rooms, two stories. A kitchen, a lavatory, a staircase. One office, one entrance, two exits, thirty-six bunks, four televisions, the mini-library, two footballs, one fútbol, a basketball, and the whole of Big Ben, the biggest backyard in Texas. It housed between twenty-one and thirty-two bodies a year. Most of them stayed a couple months. They found us through each other."

Ashlee Vance covers technology for Bloomberg Businessweek and is the author of of Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.

“To be totally clear, I don’t cover them (apps). I like people who try to solve big problems. Wherever I go, I try to run away from the consumer stuff. I love writing about giant manufacturing plants that make stuff and employ tens of thousands of people.”

Thanks to this week's sponsors: TinyLetter, Trunk Club, QuickBooks, and The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University.

The Candidates

On the Republican slate for the 2016 presidential election: “Of the dozen or so people who have declared or are thought likely to declare, every one can be described as a full-blown adult failure.”

Wow. ClickHole.

A trip to the writers’ room of The Onion spinoff, which started as a BuzzFeed parody but has morphed into something else: “the institutional voice of the Internet.”