How One Brain Came Back From Unconsciousness
Chronicling 1,541 days with a car accident survivor.
Chronicling 1,541 days with a car accident survivor.
Stephen S. Hall New York Jun 2015 25min Permalink
On the particular genius of Tolstoy.
Janet Malcolm New York Review of Books Jun 2015 15min Permalink
On the service’s multiple origin stories.
Nick Bilton New York Times Magazine Oct 2013 25min Permalink
The inside story of the coup that has brought the world’s most feared terrorist network to the brink of collapse.
Shiv Malik, Ali Younes, Spencer Ackerman, Mustafa Khalili The Guardian Jun 2015 25min Permalink
Troubles and afflictions weigh on counselors and veterans.
"The Fort was actually just an ugly house. Eighteen rooms, two stories. A kitchen, a lavatory, a staircase. One office, one entrance, two exits, thirty-six bunks, four televisions, the mini-library, two footballs, one fútbol, a basketball, and the whole of Big Ben, the biggest backyard in Texas. It housed between twenty-one and thirty-two bodies a year. Most of them stayed a couple months. They found us through each other."
Bryan Washington Midnight Breakfast Jun 2015 15min Permalink
A 38,000-word answer.
Paul Ford Bloomberg Businessweek Jun 2015 25min Permalink
Alanis Morissette, before the making of Jagged Little Pill.
Soraya Roberts Hazlitt Jun 2015 20min Permalink
A profile of the world’s best League of Legends player, a 19-year-old Korean kid whose nickname is God.
Mina Kimes ESPN the Magazine Jun 2015 10min Permalink
Ashlee Vance covers technology for Bloomberg Businessweek and is the author of of Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future.
“To be totally clear, I don’t cover them (apps). I like people who try to solve big problems. Wherever I go, I try to run away from the consumer stuff. I love writing about giant manufacturing plants that make stuff and employ tens of thousands of people.”
Thanks to this week's sponsors: TinyLetter, Trunk Club, QuickBooks, and The School of Continuing Education at Columbia University.
Jun 2015 Permalink
When Elon Musk went to Russia to buy some rockets.
Ashlee Vance Businessweek May 2015 35min Permalink
On the Republican slate for the 2016 presidential election: “Of the dozen or so people who have declared or are thought likely to declare, every one can be described as a full-blown adult failure.”
Chris Lehmann LRB Jun 2015 15min Permalink
Utah has become the capital of the modern snake oil industry, with dozens of get-rich-quick schemes – also known as “multi-level marketing” – filling its office parks.
Alice Hines Talking Points Memo Jun 2015 15min Permalink
Members of the multiplicity community say they are many different people–sometimes so many they think of themselves as a city–all existing within one body.
Tori Telfer Vice May 2015 15min Permalink
On the Event Horizon telescope, the largest ever built.
Dennis Overbye New York Times Jun 2015 20min Permalink
A cornucopia of endearments and insults.
Phyllis Rose The American Scholar Jun 2015 10min Permalink
A trip to the writers’ room of The Onion spinoff, which started as a BuzzFeed parody but has morphed into something else: “the institutional voice of the Internet.”
The last trip of a dedicated wanderer.
Jason McGahan Playboy Jun 2015 25min Permalink
Madeleine Fullard is on a mission to locate the remains of apartheid’s murdered activists. She needs the help of Eugene de Kock, a former police squad leader known as “Prime Evil,” to do so.
Justine van der Leun The Guardian Jun 2015 30min Permalink
On the perils and rewards of feminism.
Neko Case Jun 2015 40min Permalink
A group of Gambian exiles scattered around America plotted to storm the Presidential palace and overthrow a brutal dictator. Their budget? $221,000.
Craig Whitlock, Adam Goldman The Washington Post May 2015 10min Permalink
Spending the summer as a tour guide on a glacier.
Blair Braverman The Atavist Jun 2015 30min Permalink
A daughter remembers her father’s glass eye.
Jeannie Vanasco The Believer Jun 2015 15min Permalink
On being held hostage by Somali pirates.
Michael Scott Moore The Guardian Jun 2015 30min Permalink
The sport’s early days, the world’s biggest wave, and the story that inspired Blue Crush.</p>
Growing up among the tall waves and schoolyard bullies of Hawaii.
William Finnegan New Yorker May 2015 35min
On surfer girls in Maui: the story that led to the film Blue Crush.
Susan Orlean Outside Sep 1998 20min
A profile of Ken Bradshaw, who at 45 surfed the tallest wave in recorded history.
William Langewiesche Vanity Fair Feb 2011 35min
A visit to the massive Northern California surf break.
Alice Gregory n+1 Oct 2013 15min
The underground culture of big waves and wild times in 1961 Malibu, and the gang of teenage boys who worshiped at the feet of the beach’s dark prince, surfing legend and grifter Miki Dora.
Sheila Weller Vanity Fair Aug 2006 25min
Getting away from it all in Mexico.
Peter Heller Outside May 2005 20min
On surf legend Eddie Aikau and the complicated history of Hawaii.
Nicole Pasulka The Believer Sep 2012 15min
A trip to the French island of Réunion to report on a bloody battle between surfers and sharks.
Bucky McMahon GQ Apr 2013 20min
On surfing, and surfing in San Francisco, and surfing with a San Francisco surfing fanatic.
William Finnegan New Yorker Aug 1992 2h20min
Aug 1992 – May 2015 Permalink
The plight of the uninsured in a red state.
Kai Wright The Nation Jun 2015 25min Permalink